Jihwan descended the ladder once again and walked up to Lisa. He lifted his big masculine hands and clasped her tiny looking next to him shoulders in between, squeezing softly. The look on his face held approval and a hint of pride.

"I like the way you think, even if it's a little more pessimistic that what I expected. If it was for someone else, they would have surely heavily sugar-coated their actual intentions just to make me like them. But you, you spoke your real thoughts and that's what makes me think you are actually genuine with my daughter" he nodded. "I trust you with her, kiddo. Always take a good care of her, keep her safe from the bad sides of life and love her immensely. She deserves only good things to happen to her and I believe you are one of them, Lisa. Please, don't break my little girl's heart. And If you ever do, remember," he lifted a finger and pointed at her. "you better run"

"I have no intentions on purposefully doing that, Jihwan. Though I can't promise anything for the times I'm not at my best. We are bound to hurt each other. It's like the challenge that would put our relationship through a test, but I believe we can get through it. If not, I will willingly come to you to receive the sentence for her broken heart"

Lisa stood with her hands clasped behind her, shifting her weight from one leg to another, as she observed Jihwan's stoic face.

"Good" he let out a breath and moved the ladder further to the left before climbing back up, putting an end to their conversation. But Lisa wasn't done yet. There was something that really irked her and she needed to know more about it.

"I want to talk to you about something else"

"What about?"

"Um, last night me and Jennie talked and she mentioned how you and Seun have become more cautious of the people surrounding her after everything that happened with Jackson. I guess i just wanted to assure you that, even if I don't come from the best family, I'm nothing like this guy. Jennie's happiness and well-being are the most important things for me and I have a very high level of respect for her. I wouldn't do something that could jeopardize all that. I don't know if me telling you this will help you gain more trust in me - if you don't, that's completely okay, I now understand - but I just want you to know that Jennie is save with me and I will protect her from everything"

Jihwan sighed and looked down at her from the edge of the ladder. "As I already said, I trust you a lot with her, even if it's not fully yet. I can see everything you said in you eyes and I know you are sincere. Your relationship has our blessings. But the fear and need to protect her is just a parental instinct, don't take it the wrong way, I hope you understand. We have the right to doubt. One day when you became a mother you will know what I'm talking about"

Lisa smiled and nodded at him. "I get it. Thank you for trusting me with her. I'll do my best to make her happy"

They ended the conversation and went back to work. For the next hour the house was engulfed with bright Christmas lights, the front was filled with different plastic animals and fake snow was spread over the grass. The Christmas spirit was alive at the Kims' house.

They joined Jennie and Seun in the kitchen after a minute to finally take a break and warm up from the coldness of December. The two women were now dressed in matching red sweaters with Rudolph ilustrated at the front. Lisa found Jennie so cute in hers that the need to go and kiss her slowly bubbled up again. But she promised herself that she would initiate no kiss until they were officially dating. Though, she really enjoyed the few ones Jennie kept giving her in the past days.

Seun pulled another two pairs of the same sweater and made Lisa and Jihwan wear them. They kept on protesting against it, but one soft 'please' from Jennie quickly got them looking like Santa's Christmas elfs.

RemedyㅣJENLISAOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora