Chapter 13 - The least of my problems

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"I love you Clarissa, I'm in love with you."






I had no idea what to do. I had no idea what to say. If i ever had to deal with this in my previous life I couldn't remember how to fix it. I opened my mouth to say something, then closed it, then opened it, then closed it again. This went on for much too long.

"I'm sorry." Sig said quickly "I should've known you don't feel the same."

"No, no Sig its fine! But um I have to go, um yeah, I'll see you later." I gave him no time to say anything else before running out of the building. I covered my face with my hands and slowly slid them up through my tangled hair. I needed to be alone. It had to be somewhere where nobody would find me. Not Sig, not Newt, I'm sure if Alby found me I would be forced out of the glade like James and the others. I glanced around at my surroundings, not much for me to hide behind.

My eyes met the opening to the maze. I wouldn't go too far in, just far enough to be hidden. Without really realizing it, my feet were taking me towards the gap in between the walls. Before I had time to change my mind, I had stepped into the darkness of the maze. It was much colder and my thin T-shirt didn't keep me very long. 

I won't stay here very long, I told myself.

I cautiously walked forward, my left hand dragging along the cool rock walls. I stop walking when I got to a fork in the road. I leaned against the wall and slid down until I was sitting on the ground. 

If I was caught here there was no way I wasn't getting sent into the maze overnight. There would be nothing for Alby or Newt or anyone to do to stop it. I looked at my surroundings, even if I could survive over night, nobody would come looking for me the only way I could possibly survive would be if I found the way out. Which is extremely unlikely, they've been looking for almost a year and I've never been in the maze before now. 

But this was the least of my problems, I would get out of the maze without anyone noticing, I knew it. Sig was my real problem. Could he really love me? I feel so bad for him, part of me wished that I liked him the way I like Newt. The other part of me knows I love Newt, yeah I think I'm in love with him. I don't know If i'll be able to face Sig everyday without bursting into tears for him. I can't tell anybody about it, that's for sure, I won't even tell Newt, I wouldn't do that to Sig. But I also can't tell Sig about Newt now. Which means even though I feel so strongly about Newt, If he wanted to tell everyone about us I couldn't let him.

I sat for a while longer with my thoughts, trying to figure this whole thing out. I came to the conclusion that the only way I could somewhat handle this situation would be if Newt never brought up us telling everyone that we were dating. As long as I could keep every secret of mine a secret then everything might possibly work out. I nodded my head once before getting up.

I couldn't figure out how long I was sitting there for but no runners past me so I figured I was good for time. I cautiosuly made my way back to the entrance to the glade. I looked around both ways before slipping in. As I walked around the boarder of the glade I felt the goosebumps slowly fade away from my skin. I was clear, I didn't get caught and I wouldn't be forced away from Newt and all my friends. 

I made my way back to Sig stopping at Frypan's first to see if he had any food I could give to Sig. I left with some leftover pie from yesterday. I reluctantly walked up the steps to Sig's room.

"Oh good you're back!" He sounded relieved "I thought I'd pushed you away." 

I placed the pie on his bedside table and smiled sadly at him. His face was pale and his brown hair was matted with sweat, he must've had a coughing fit while I was gone. But despite all this he was one of the most attractive guys I've ever seen. His big brown eyes looked up at me, making what I was about to say even harder.

"Sig." My voice was shaking, I was going to cry "Sig I'm so sorry. But I- I only like you as a friend. You deserve someone better than me anyways."

"Clarissa, it's fine, I didn't expect you to love me back. Yeah It'll hurt but I already hurt so what does it matter?" He said, his voice matching his clear, steady eyes.

'I'm going to get you better." I promised, my voice now strong "I promise." 

He answered with a small smile before lying back down in bed. 

"I'll be fine for tonight, you can leave." Sig said quietly. I nodded my head and silently left the room. I walked on the grass feeling empty. 

"Hey princess." Newt whispered in my ear, and wrapped his arms around my body from behind me.  I immediately broke away and stepped back.

"Newt what are you doing?" I furrowed my eyebrows "People could see us."

"Alby, the bloody shank, figured it out and wants us to tell everyone about us and to be honest I want that too. So I thought that there was no better way than putting on a show for every one." He winked as he started walking towards me.

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