Chapter 11 - Princess

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For the past week whenever I wasn't with Newt, doing whatever he told me to do I would be hanging out with Sig. Most of the time we would stay in the bedrooms but occasionally I took him out on walks to see some of the other gladers. He only breaks into coughing fits once every couple days and he smiles alot, it gives me hope that I can make him better. Usually after Newt is finished in the map room he would come up before dinner and we would all hang out. Newt and I would share secret smiles and I would day dream about running my fingers through his messy, blonde hair. None of the other gladers have caught on to us yet and I don't think we'll tell them until we're caught. I don't know if Newt feels the same way but I love that we're a secret. It's dangerous knowing that we could be caught holding hands or flirting any second. 

"Hey guys." Newt smiled, stepping into the room.

"Hey daddy." I said at the same time Sig said "Hey Newt."

"Guess this is the last day you have to call me that." Newt looked at me and licked his lips. 

"Too bad." I smirked "I was actually starting to like it."

"Well you can continue to call me that if you really want to." He smirked back.

"I can leave if you guys want the bed." Sig laughed.

"Why would you do that?" Newt acted oblivious "Clarissa and I are just friends." Even though I knew we weren't 'just friends' it still stung when he said that. "Trust me." He put more intensity into his voice "There's nothing going on between us." Newt said it so forcefully, I was even wondering if he was telling the truth or not. We hadn't officially said we were dating but I didn't think the same dating rules apply in the Glade. Whatever we have going on has only been happening for eight days so it's not like I felt a need to put a label on it yet, if anything Newt should want to put a label on it to let the other guys know not to flirt with me. The more I thought about all this, the more scared I became. What if Newt was just using me? I didn't think he would do something like that but then again I've only known him for a month and a half.

"Okay..." Sig paused "I'm sorry, I'll stop." Newt even had Sig convinced.

"Hey I think it'll be dinner soon. Sig you wanna come down? Or do you want me to bring you some food?" I changed the topic. Sig's face paled.

"Um I think I'll just stay up here." He said. 

"Sure." I nodded "I'll bring you up some food when i'm done." Sig nodded his head as Newt and I left the room.

"He isn't really getting better is he?" Newt's voice was full of worry for his Friend. 

"You still like me right?" I blurted out. Newt stopped in his tracks and looked at me.

"Clary, of course I still like you." He looked directly into my eyes "Why would you even think I didn't?"

"You're very convincing when you tell the guys we aren't dating."

"Well we're not dating." He shrugged. This moment right now was the only time I didn't love hearing Newt's voice, I felt sick.

"W-whatt?" I was so confused. 

"I haven't asked you to be my girlfriend yet cause i'm too much of a bloody shuckface. I was gonna plan something romantic but I guess now's a good as time as any." He took a deep breath and held my shoulders "Clara, will you be my girlfriend."

"Yes." I breathed, a smile spreading across my face. 

"I would kiss you right now if we were in different circumstances."

"Guess you'll just have to wait till later." I winked before turning around and walking towards the kitchens. Leaving him to watch my swinging hips. I smirked to myself, knowing he was looking at them. He probably had a hand ruffling his hair while he pulled his bottom lip in between his teeth. I continued to our table without him. He arrived a couple minutes later while I was in conversation with Minho. He slid in next to me and didn't say anything while I finished what I was saying.

"Hey Newt." I smiled innocently. He glanced at me and rolled his eyes before breaking into a smile while shaking his head at me. 

While we were eating Newt placed his hand on my thigh. It was under the table so nobody could see but I still jumped because I wasn't expecting it. Newt chuckled and squeezed it.

"You good Clarissa?" Ben laughed at my random reaction. He of course didn't know why. 

"Oh, oh yeah." I said slowly "I don't know what that was. I think I'm just tired."

"You're a freak Clarissa." Minho laughed.

"You're a freak Clarissa." I mimicked him, changing my voice to sound like him. 

"Fight me." He challenged. Joking I hope..?

"Sure Minho, right here right now." I stood up laughing. Newt stood up too.

"Alright you shanks, that's enough." He said.

"Newt, you slinthead, we were joking." Minho chuckled.

"Newt's just looking out for ya MInho, he knows I could take you." I smirked at Minho before winking and leaving the table, hoping Newt was following me this time.  I smiled when he stepped next to me. 

"So you and Minho seem pretty close." He said casually "You guys don't..."

"Awe is someone jealous?" I teased, looking sideways at the tall boy.

"Well you can't blame me, Clara you're beautiful and there are dozens of other guys here looking at you and talking to you and thinking of you."

"Well you've got nothing to worry about." We had gotten to the edge of the deadheads and I had leaned against a tree so we were facing each other.

"Good." He leaned closer and talked lower "You've got nothing to worry about either."

"Really?" I tried to conceal my smirk and speak innocently "I had just started to accept that you and Alby were a thing."

"Haha." He pulled away "Bloody funny Clarissa." 

I pouted and looked up at him due to his far proximity. 

"You're so shuckin beautiful." He brushed a piece of hair behind my ears. I yawned in response.

"You're so cute when you yawn." 

"You compliment me too much." I rolled my eyes and playfully punched him.

"It's so hard not to." He smirked "You're so perfect."

"Ugh stop!" I yawned again making my demand less forceful then I wanted it to be. 

"Come on princess." Newt smiled down at me "Let's get you to bed."

"Can't" I shook my head "Gotta bring Sig up some food." 

Newt nodded his head and we walked together back to the kitchens. 

"Hey Fry." I smiled "Can I get a plate to bring up to Sig?" 

"Yeah, of course." He nodded before ordering another cook to prepare it "How's he doing anyways? Haven't seen that shank in ages."

"Oh, I think he's getting better." I felt Newt shift next to me, he knew I was lying "I'll bring him around here soon if he's up for it." Frypan turned around to grab the plate from the younger glader then handed it to me.

"Yeah, that would be good." He nodded "See ya Clarissa, Newt."

"Bye." Newt smiled. 

"You should go to sleep, you always have to wake up early." I said to Newt when we got to the door of the bedrooms. Newt looked around before quickly pecking me on the lips.

"Night Princess." He whispered into my ear before doing what I suggested. 

"Thought you weren't gonna come." Sig said as soon as I stepped into the room.

"Sorry." I smiled "Guess I took a bit longer than I thought I would."

"It's okay." Sig pushed himself up so he was sitting up right against a pillow. I placed the tray in his lap and sat on the bed next to his. 

"I'm really tired." I yawned once again "It's okay if I sleep here right?" 

He nodded his head, his mouth full of food. 

"Alrighty, Night Sig." I crawled under the blankets and turned over on my side away from his bedside lamp. 

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