Chapter 17

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It's been a while since Newt woke up, I don't know how long forsure, I can't keep track of the days anymore. He can now sit up in his small hospital bed. He sleeps most of the day and barely talks to anyone, not even me. 

Clint doesn't know if he'll ever be able to walk again, for Newt's sake I hope he can. He's like me, he can't just sit and watch things happen. If he can't walk again I won't blame him for wanting to - nevermind, not even going there.

Despite everyone's wishes I haven't had a full meal since before all of this. I probably looked like a skeleton. The colour of my skin gone since I've barely been outside since Newt woke up. Sig says he needs time and he'll be fine by himself until he figures things out. So I have nothing to do but sit by Newt and hopes he wants to talk to me again.

I replay his confession over and over in my head, I could probably recite it word by word now. He hated me, maybe he hasn't completely forgiven me, I don't blame him. I wish I could change his feelings for me so all he could feel was the hatred, I deserved it, he deserved it. 

I push his hair off of his forehead, his fever isn't as high as it was this morning. That has to be good. I snatched my hand away when I heard footsteps enter the room, Clint doesn't want anyone touching him.

"Don't worry I won't tell." I hear Alby's voice. I don't bother to turn to look at him.

"How's your other patient?" He's referring to Sig.

I shrug "He doesn't want to see me, I have Gally checking in on him every so often."

The room is filled with silence.

"Well do you want a job? I was thinking you could help me explain things to the new Greenie."

"There's a new Greenie?" I ask, uninterested.

"Yeah, he came yesterday, his names Vince."

"Ya know.. I never knew if you chose not to say the greenie's real name or if you genuienly didn't know it. Guess I got my answer." 

Despite the lack of humour in my voice, Alby chuckled.

"Come on Clarissa, you've got to get out of here."

I sigh and stand up on my numb legs. I stiffly walk past him and out of the building. I had to cover my eyes and let them adjust to the sunlight.

"So where is he?" I ask, looking around at the glade like it was the first time I ever saw it.

"Sitting at one of the tables." Alby motioned to the food area. I nodded my head and slowly made my way over. My lack of movement these couple of weeks making it hard for me to move quickly. My breathing had quickened significally when i finally got to Vince.

"Hi!" I felt my lips crack at my attempt of a smile. "I'm Clarissa."

"Hey." Vince nodded.

"Okay Clarissa, just show him around and tell him about how things work around here." Alby instructed before walking away to do whatever.

"So um." I ran a hand through my tangled hair "hi-uh so um let's get started I guess." My lack of human interaction made me awkward and stiff.

"The glade has like... twenty something guys here and me." I decided to start with "And we don't really know why we're here. Like you, the rest of us can only remember our names"

The more i talked, the more I was feeling like myself.

"So we're outside the kitchens right now. This is where the cooks work, one of the jobs you could get."

"How many jobs are there? and How do you get jobs?" Vince asked quickly.

"Technically there are nine." I smiled slightly "But if you annoy Alby enough, you could be like me and get special treatment."

He narrowed his eyes at me "What do you mean by that?"

"Oh well like I was originally a Med-Jack but Alby got me to be a nurse specifically for a really sick Glader a couple months ago. Then um something happened and I wasn't really in a good place for a while but now I'm back working with the Greenies I guess. I don't want to talk about it."

The rest of the tour went by pretty smoothly, no more intense answers to Vince's questions. He was an okay kid. If Newt was better I would bet that he would be a Slicer.

I made it to the tables for dinner tonight. Everyone stared at me as I ate my first real meal in weeks. I sat with Alby, Minho and Ben and even contributed to some conversations.

Just like Newt, I could feel myself on the road to recovery and for once, I really knew in my heart that we would both get through this and we would both get better.

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