"Umm." I started but Eros interrupted me, "She goes to Wilson Private." He said like it was true.

I smiled a thank you at him which he smiled back.

"Really? That's cool. How old are you?" He asked if he didn't completely believe anything about me.

"16." I blurted out. He nodded slowly, licking hi lips. After we ate our pizza in silence.

"Stephanie, what's with those sunglasses?" Adam asked.

"Headache." I explained.

"More like hangover."

"Adam!" Eros whacked his arm.

"What? I know lots of kids from Wilson Private and it's like one big party."

"It's not. We are dedicated to learning and planing our future. No one goes partying a lot. Maybe once in a while like normal teenagers but I have never." I explained.

"Sure." Adam said quietly.

I wanted to go there, but we couldn't afford it so I never told anyone.

"Why do you go to a different school then your brother?" He asked.

Geez, he is full of questions tonight.

"I'm really dedicated to my education and if I want to get into the college of my choice it's better to go to that school." I explained.

"Ok, what do you want to be?" He asked.

Why is he like this? I asked myself.

"A doctor."

"That's cool. I wanna be a doctor too." He smiled at me.

"No one cares." I mumbled under my breath. I guess Eros heard cause he high-fived me under the table.

Soon we all finished and Eros, Adam, Cody, Kyle and Andy walked into the living room.

I decided to help my mom do the dishes.
"So, Adam?" She asked me with a smile.

"Shut up. He is so irritating. I sit with him in Social and English! It's horrid."

"Just wait." Was all she said before walking towards her room.

I walked back to my room and
pulled off my sweater and sunglasses. I sat down on the bench my window and watched the sunset, it was beautiful.

"I know your name isn't Stephanie." Adam said from behind me.

"Well it is." I continued to watch the sunset hiding my face from him.

"Look here." He demanded.

I didn't.

"Please." He begged.

I just ignored him looking out my window. He walked over and I turned towards the wall so he couldn't see me.

"Why won't you show me your face?" He asked.

"Just leave." I quietly begged.

It was silent at first but then I heard him leave closing the door. I slowly turned around to see an empty room. I grabbed my book and read till I fell asleep.

"Pers. Pers wake up."


"You have 45 minutes till we have to leave. The guys aren't up yet so if you want to use the bathroom do it now."

I jumped out of bed and grabbed all the things I need and skipped to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and curled my hair. I pulled on a peach coloured tank top that has overlapping layers and some shorts that went mid thigh. I put on my Doctor Who necklace and walked back to my room.

The Girl With The ConverseWhere stories live. Discover now