Chapter 12

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"You look amazing!!!" Georgie squealed.

I was wearing a maroon romper paired with a denim jacket. It was cute and won't make me sweat buckets. Georgie wore a bright green bikini, the top came together with a gold hoop. She had gold gladiator scandals on, and her curly hair flowing freely.

I laced up my black Converse and walked outside with Georgie. It was a beautiful and hot day, a perfect day for the fair. I was kinda jealous that Georgie got to be in water a lot today, and I had to kiss a bunch of guys. As we walked to the fair at school we discussed many topics, the main one being guys. Dylan being the number one focus.

"Have you guys kissed a lot since the game?" Georgie asked.


"Anything more than kissing?"

"Georgie! We haven't even been dating a month!" I slapped her arm as she laughed.

"So? He's attractive. You're attractive. You're both teenagers. Things happen." Georgie said, a little bit too loud for my opinion.

An elderly lady heard and looked at us with disgust. Especially at Georgie's outfit choice.

"What? It's true! You probably did worse things at our age!" Georgie yelled to the lady who was in her garden.

"You kids are so disrespectful now a days. Dressing like hookers and not waiting till marriage. I'm surprised that one of you girls aren't pregnant. Especially you with the undergarments on." She yelled back, pointing a finger at Georgie.

"Georgie, let's just go." I pulled on her arm before she could snap at the old, but rude lady. "We don't need to get into another fight with an old person."

She hesitated for a second, before following me down the street towards our school. Dylan was waiting for me, right at the gates. He pulled me into a hug and kissed my head.

"How are you today?" He asked.

"Good." I smiled up at him and pecked his lips.

"I know you guys are still in the 'honeymoon' phase and all but we need to get to our stalls." Georgie informed us.

"Uh, right." I snapped out of my daze and followed Georgie into the fair.

Georgie found her stall first and we left her to get soaked by the dunk tank. My booth was in the middle of everything. I sat on the stool behind the wooden stand and Dylan leaned against the side.

"Persephone, you're finally here. I thought you ditched or something" Lindsey joked as she walked around carrying a clipboard.

"Never. I did think about it though." I laughed.

She chuckled and wrote something on her board. When she lifted her eyes she saw Dylan.

"Dylan! What a surprise."

"Yup. Gotta keep my girl safe from all these boys."

"Oh. But you can't stay here. It will chase everyone away. And this is for a good cause."

"I'm not leaving Pers alone."

"But you have to." Lindsey fought back, her normal happy atmosphere disappeared.

"Not happening, Lindsey." Dylan crossed her arms over his chest.

Lindsey glared at him before storming off. I raised my eyebrow in her direction, confused on what just happened.

"Well, that was weird." I stated.

"Sorry about that babe." Dylan sighed and ran his hand through his silky, brown hair. "Lindsey is my ex. She was my first girlfriend and we didn't end on good terms."

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