"You recognize it?" Varian beamed.

"Yeah, I've never actually gotten to hold one. I saw one when I was younger when I would go to the market and I'd pass a ship from far away. They were offering it for trade, I just thought it was pretty. So I learned as much as I could about it. Pb2CuCrO4AsO4OH, right?"

"Yeah!" Varian exclaimed. "And they say I'm the only person who memorizes that sort of thing!"

"Nope. Sorry, but I was into this stuff before you." Heather smirked.

"Maybe, but which one of us is the better alchemist is the real question." Varian held up a finger.

She set a hand on her hip. "Well, with everything you got going on here, obviously you. As I said, it's been a few years."


Heather caught a pair of goggles that he threw at her. "What?"

"Let me show you how to make the vials. It's a good thing for beginners." He flashed a mischievous grin.

The woman put the goggles on and blinked. Varian pulled his own over his eyes. He handed her a vial and pulled out multiple chemicals. He began to explain the process and she nodded and hummed every once in a while to show she understood. Before she knew it, she had ten vials of glowing chemicals. She put them in her satchel and started to hand Varian back the goggles.

He shook his head. "No, you keep them. I have plenty."

"Thanks. It's been fun," Heather said. It had honestly been a long time since she just sat down and did something she wanted to do. Something that wasn't about survival or keeping certain dragon hunters off her shoulders.


Varian's head shot in the direction of his tent's flap. He scowled at the owner of the voice. Heather knew right away that Varian did not seem pleased upon seeing his uncle, especially for an uncle that had been away so long. "Yeah? What is it, Uncle Ryker?"

"What are you doing in here?" The man squinted his eyes at Heather.

She shot him an equally annoyed look as Varian. The fifteen year old frowned at his uncle, but answered for the eighteen year girl. "She heard a crash and checked on me. I was just showing her something. Is that so wrong?"

Ryker moved as if to come closer to the boy, but hesitated. Heather was still standing next to his nephew and it looked like he changed his mind. Whatever it was that the man intended to do, Heather didn't know, but she wasn't too keen on whatever it was. It couldn't have been good, especially if he decided not to do it in someone else's presence, even if it was just her's.

"Viggo's ready." He grumbled instead and left.

Varian's eyes brightened up at the news. "I gotta go, but I'll see you again?" He started taking off his apron and other equipment.

Heather nodded. "I'll be around for a while." she promised.

Varian grinned as he quickly buckled on a belt with a dirk in a sheath and a knife on the other side. He probably wasn't strong enough to actually wield a sword properly. Heather hated judging people by their size for what they were capable of, but she couldn't help but think that Varian just didn't look like he could handle a large weapon. Of course, he could have just preferred to use a dirk.

Heather walked out of the tent with the young alchemist. He closed the flap to his tent. He waved to her as they parted ways. She waved back. Varian seemed to dislike his uncle, but rather fond of Viggo, his father. She always thought it was sweet to see boys adore their fathers, and it was honestly natural, but this was Viggo. The man just struck her as unnerving, as well as cold and distant. He wasn't one to become super attached to someone, or so he seemed to at least let on that he didn't. She wondered if their feelings were mutual, or if Varian was the only one that had a deep regard for the other.

Shaking her head, she looked up at the stars. Varian and Viggo were so different, yet she could see a few similarities. Where Viggo was calm and collected and didn't seem to show much emotion, Varian seemed to be more open and bubbly. Though she could tell he gained his brilliant mind from Viggo, but also seemed so innocent, which was certainly not from Viggo or Ryker. Varian seemed like a really good kid, but she feared what his life was like. If he was treated well or ignored and barely received the attention he needed as a young boy.


Varian stopped in front of the tent. He took in a deep breath to calm himself. Then he moved the flap to enter his father's tents. Viggo was sitting at his desk, staring at a Maces and Talons game as he always did. However, his face seemed more grim than usual. Varian took a step closer, realizing that his father was still lost in thought. The extra movement caused the Dragon Hunter to look up. "Ah! Varian, you are getting better at not making a sound as you walk."

The teen blushed at his father's complement as he sat down on the chair in front of his father's desk. "Is everything alright, Father?"

"Yes, everything will. It's just a short matter of time." the man confirmed.

Varian glanced at the Maces and Talons board. He frowned as he saw the Traitor piece in the center. "There is a traitor among us?"

Viggo smirked. "For now, but do not worry. I have them pinned and it will all be revealed in a few days. You're beginning to have a pretty sharp eye. Perhaps one day you will be my match, hmm?"

Beaming, Varian flushed a little with the second praise. "Just not yet."

"No, not yet." Viggo agreed. "There is still much for you to learn before that day comes. Until then, keep up the good practice and it will pay off in the end."

"Father, who is the traitor?"

"It will be revealed when it is time, but for the long game's sake, I shall remain quiet. You do understand?"

"Of course." Varian nodded, hiding his slight hurt. He couldn't help but feel his father didn't trust, even though he was certain that it truly wasn't the case. It probably had to do with the lack of walls and only having tents to muffle them out, which was little to none. Any passerby or the traitor themselves could hear and ruin everything. No, his father was playing it smart like he always did.

"So, shall we play a game?"

"Yes!" Varian nodded excitedly, even if he knew he was going to lose miserably. He always enjoyed playing the games with his father. With Viggo being the chief, he was always busy and it was hard to see him, but they always made the most of what little time they had together.


Note: Heather was actually an Alchemist in a game so it obviously sparked the "what would happen if her and Varian met?" Bc everything tends to lead to that child anymore. This will be a fun ride!

Btw, I'm still working on my other fics. I've been working on posting fics that I have already written. Except for Black and White Decent. I'm writing that on the go, but I know wher the plot is going.

Thanks for reading part 1!

HTTYD-TTS: Ride AlongNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ