Chapter 5

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Welp, this update came out of the blue lol.  Hey, if I'm writing something, I'm not complaining.  Even if this chapter it pretty dialogue heavy.  Anyways, hope you enjoy!


"All right, Dragon. Dinner time. Viggo wants you to eat up, like a good little boy. If it was up to me, you'd starve," Ryker hissed at the dragon.

Viggo stepped in. "Come now, big brother. This dragon is our guest. His value to us is immeasurable. We must treat him well, keep him happy. The bigger question is, what to do with our other guest."

Ryker snorted. "The traitor. Whispering Death tunnels. Drop her in. Watch them tear her to pieces. It could be entertaining for the crew. Boost morale."

Varian shivered at the thought and had to fight to keep from vomiting.  For a moment, he thought the bile liquid would reach past his throat, but it returned.  He merely looked away, pretending not to be a part of the discussion.

"I'm not concerned with entertaining the crew," Viggo scoffed. "They must stay sharp. It's only a matter of time before Hiccup formulates his parry. Counterattack, big brother. Thank Thor he blessed you with strength of body. Leave Heather be for now. She will prove useful. Almost as useful as our glowing friend here."

Varian looked at the dragon, trying to not think about Heather.  He couldn't move his eyes for a moment.  Both him in the dragon staring each other down.   He could see the beast was pleading for help, and his eyes were dancing with fear.


Heather looked up, peering through the bars of her cell.  Her eye twitched upon hearing her brother walking towards her.

Dagur clenched his fists. "This should keep you nice and cozy until we bring this Dragon Rider nonsense to its horrifying conclusion."

"Dagur, we come from a proud and historic tribe of Vikings. Berserkers, we don't turn on each other. We stand for each other! How can you just ignore that?"  Heather pointed out.

"Well, I-I let it enter my noggin and then I pay no attention. Right? I mean, that's how you ignore something," Dagur muttered.

"But, you don't. You can't. I know you, Dagur. We share the same blood. You are too smart to ignore anything, Brother," Heather reasoned.

Dagur raised a brow. "Can I ask you something, Sister?"

"Of course. Anything," she replied.

"Where were all these lovey-dovey family values when you were trying to blow up my ship and kill me?!" Dagur snapped.

"I didn't know you were my brother at the time. And if you remember, you destroyed my entire island," Heather explained.

"Hm. Hm. Good point," Dagur admitted.  "A-Are we okay, you and I, on that whole thing? You know, still some lingering feelings of skepticism? Thought so!"

"Wait. What are you doing?" Heather asked as he began to walk away again.

"If there's one thing I've learned out here over the years, it's that I can only trust one person. And do you know who that person is?"

"Dagur-" Heather began.

"Correct! Dagur! That's who I trust. He's so trustworthy. He's faithful. Tried and true, that Dagur."

"I'm your sister. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you," Heather whispered.

"Really?"  Dagur said with a tone of disbelief.

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