chapter 22

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Are you sure you three can behave civilly?” Mabel asked once again looking at them, eyes narrowed.

“Yes, Mabel, you have my word.” Ford sighed for what seemed like the thousandth time.

She turned towards Stanley, “I expect you to at least keep him in line.” This was said with a hand gesture in his direction and Ford refrained from rolling his eyes. There was only so much he could promise though. The bastard didn’t deserve this chance, but his nephew was in danger it seemed and they needed to do this. Mabel was a good judge of character, he would give her that. If she wasn’t so much like Lee, he would have recommended her to the Hunters.

Mabel headed to the door with Pacifica and paused by Strange. “Go, I’ll be fine.” Her nose scrunched up at him but then she left and the door shut behind the girls. The room was silent.

“I don’t know about you two, but I need a drink.” Lee said and pulled open a drawer from the desk and pulled out some scotch. The bottle was nearly full as he only drank it on special occasions. Stanley poured the amber liquid into three cups he had pulled out, handing them out. The demon was hesitant, but accepted it.

Ford swirled his a bit and watched the liquid while Stanley downed his and poured himself another glass.

“Do you think he is still alive?” He asked looking up at Strange.

The demon, or half-demon, was looking at his glass and then down the whole thing and nodded. “Yes, I am quite positive he is. What condition he will be in when we get to him will be another question.”

“Christ,” Stanley muttered.

“How do you know this?” Ford demanded. “Why wouldn’t he just kill Dipper then?”

The pirate took a step towards Lee and held out his cup, which Stan refilled. “You have to understand how much Lanius hates Bill. More than you do, if you can believe it. And, unlike Bill, Lanius is a true demon. He cares naught for the life of anything but himself. He feeds off of pain and suffering and would love nothing more than to cause Bill anguish.”

“And explain to me why this would matter so much to Cipher.” Ford asked, a dangerous glint in his eyes.

“Bill and Dipper have formed a … relationship…of sorts.”

“That piece of shit better not have laid his hands on my nephew.” Ford growled while his brother just slumped down into a chair, and was in the process of pouring himself another glass.

“This has just gotten so much better,” Lee muttered, downing the liquid quickly and pouring another.

The pirate lifted his chin and looked Ford straight in the eye, it was such a strange color. “And if he has? I can tell you now that it was mutual consent. Dipper was never forced to do anything he didn’t want to do.”

At the water's edge (not mine)- BilldipWhere stories live. Discover now