chapter 10

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Dipper paced up and down the deck as the sun was setting, his thoughts in turmoil. He wasn’t a pirate he was just being held hostage by pirates, so what if the workings of the ship interested him and he helped out here and there. And it wasn’t his fault he had to do work and get to know some of the crew members in a more, friendlier manner. Letting out a groan Dipper rested his head against one of the masts before banging his head against it a few times.

“Pull it together Pines.” Dipper mutter to himself. “Don’t let him get into your head.”

He thought of his family and frowned; would he ever see Mabel again or his Grunkles or hell even Pacifica again? Dipper let out a sigh, he didn’t regret what he did to protect his friend and he would do it again without hesitation.

“Mabel…” He said with a soft sigh, he had been so angry and hurt by her leaving without telling him and now he would do anything just to see her smiling face again. Dipper moved away from the pole and walked over to the rail and looked over the sea.

Were they even looking for him? Would they even find him? Did they think he was dead? Did they even care that he had been kidnapped? Dipper rested his arms on the rail and leaned forward with a frown as questions ran through his mind. There was one tiny, small, minuscule, kernel of thought that he was trying to ignore and not let surface. Would it be so bad to be a pirate? There was something exciting at just the thought of him being a pirate, the adventure and romanticism of it all… and it scared him. It went against everything he believed in. Didn’t it? And yet….the crew members he had become close to seemed like nice people. They looked after him, after each other. They were a family in some ways.

Closing his eyes Dipper banished that train of thought as he listened to the waves slap against the hull as the ship moved through the water and breathed in the salty sea air. Exhaustion pulled at him, he had pushed himself to far today and was getting tired. His body was still sore and tired and what he really wanted to do was go home and curl up with a good book, instead he was in the middle of the ocean on a pirate ship.

Bitter laughter spilled form his lips at the irony of it all, he had loved his stories, loved reading about pirates and their lust for adventure. Now he was a part of the story and Dipper wasn’t sure how he felt about it.

“You all right lad?” Dipper turned and saw no one.


“Up here.” The voice said. Dippers eyes trailed up to the ropes and rigging where a man sat and was looking down at him.

“Oh sorry, didn’t see you up there.”

The man smiled at him. “Names Amorphous Shape, I’m the master rigger.”

“Oh nice to meet you, I’m Dipper.”

“I know who you are, watched you go over bored.” Amorphous said with a smile, Dipper blushed and looked away.

At the water's edge (not mine)- BilldipWhere stories live. Discover now