chapter 21

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It was the strangest, and most exhilarating feeling Mabel had ever felt.  Until they bounced against some sort of barrier.  They literally bounced against it.  She could…feel?...Tad’s disgruntlement at the barrier and let Mabel touch it.  The barrier seemed to waver momentarily and then they were through and she was gasping as shapes, sounds and smells rushed back into focus. 

Her knees went weak and she would have fallen to the ground if Tad hadn’t been there to hold her up.  

“Are you ok?” Tad asked quietly as he rubbed her back.  She blinked her eyes, half blind with the bright sunlight and took a shaky breath.  Her stomach rolled with the sensation, but other than that she felt great. 

“Yeah, what a rush,” she said with a breathless laugh.  

“My apologies, my magic lies more with energy than the physical plan.”  

“Mabel!” It was Stanley and she took a step towards him before she stopped and looked back at Tad who had taken out an eyepatch and had covered his demon eye. 

“Grunkle Stan!” Mabel shouted and smiled, but she stepped in front of Tad all the same.  She noticed his frown as he approached her and a darker look crossed his face as he saw who was behind her. 

“Step away from him, Mabel,” it was Stanford, anger in his voice and sword at the ready. 

“No, you need to listen to me-“ 

“He is a demon, Mabel, he killed your parents.  Now step away from him.”  Ford growled out at her. 

“I know what he is, but that isn’t – “ 

“Move now, that’s an order.”  The air was deathly still, and silent.  Mabel could feel how tense Tad was behind her. 

“I can’t do that sir,” she answered. 

Her great uncles looked at each other before turning back to her.  “Mabel, honey, you’ve been under a lot of stress.  Just step away and we’ll take care of him.”  It was Stan and he took a small step towards her, his hands up in a soothing gesture.   

Heaving a sigh, Mabel pulled out her sword and brandished it.  It was the last thing she wanted to do, but desperate times, meant desperate measures.  Stan stopped, a hurt look crossed his face briefly which hurt Mabel more than anything. 

At the water's edge (not mine)- BilldipWhere stories live. Discover now