chapter 6

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A week later found Dipper laying in a hammock his body sore and stiff and exhaustion clawing at him, begging for sleep. He rubbed a hand down his face as he rolled onto his side and curled into a ball, his fingers running over the small star pendent as he clenched it in his hand; the last piece of home he had. It had become a worry stone to him as his hand would fish it from his pocket when he was alone. A fragment of hope that he held onto tightly, promising that he would return home and would see Mabel again.

Dipper clenched his eyes closed and listened to the snores of the pirate crew. Sleep eluded him again, and when he did fall asleep it was only for a few minutes before he bolted back awake in terror. At least the work kept him busy, and sore, as he ran around with the One Eyes doing whatever was need. There were times he would catch sight of the Capitan, the man would always grin at him causing termers to run down his spine and for Dipper to scurry off out of sight.

Letting out a sigh Dipper sat up and pulled himself out of his hammock. He slipped on the boots, that were slightly too big for him, and headed out the door. The hallway was barely lit, a few lanterns here and there. There were steam powered ones, in the more important rooms. In fact, it had surprised Dipper how modern the ship was.

Sighing as he climb the steps to the upper deck, Dipper pushed the door open as quiet as he could before closing it behind him. The cool sea air felt soothing on his head as Dipper walked across the deck and leaned against the railing. He tossed a longing glance at the long boat tied to the side before looking away.

It was hopeless he knew, even if he could escape he wasn’t sure where they were or which way land was. He would most likely die at sea with no food and water. Dipper was trapped, he knew that much and he hated it, hated feeling weak and useless… with a sigh he turned and sunk to the ground, leaned back against the railing and pulled his knees to his chest as he looked up at the star filled sky.

“Figures.” Dipper snorted as he spotted Ursa Major, one of his hands subconsciously pulling his hair down over his forehead.

“Thinking about escaping?” Dipper jumped at the voice before looking up into a single gold orb, which seemed to glitter dangerously in the moon light. It was such a strange eye color.

“No…” Dipper muttered glaring up at the man.

“See, I knew you were smart kid.” Bill said. Dipper glared and stood up, yet he was still several inches shorter than the blond pirate. So much for intimidation.

“And where would I go? I’m trapped here and you know it.” Dipper sneered.

“Are you sure you’re a Pines?” Bill questioned a thoughtful look on his face and Dipper hated it.

“Of course I’m a Pines, I…I just didn’t have any interest in joining the Navel Guard.” He growled. Why didn’t anyone understand that it was his choice! He didn’t want to sail the ocean! He just wanted to read his books back on land where he was safe. “Not that it’s any of your concern.” He muttered, and then clamped his mouth shut. God, why did he say that.

“You intrigue me, for a Pines.”

“Leave me alone.” Dipper huffed and marched away from the Captain to the other side of the ship. Wasn’t far, but there weren’t very many places he could actually go and hide from him available.

Looking down at the inky black water Dipper’s thought strayed to more mundane ones. He was never getting off this ship, never going to see Mabel again, or his Uncles. Why not just take the easy way out? Just lean a bit too far, or jump and he could end all this torment, sink into that oblivion. Not have to deal with pirates and threats of death, just get some peace and quiet. A few minutes of cold, which would quickly pass. He was just so tired…

At the water's edge (not mine)- BilldipWhere stories live. Discover now