“We need your help to rescue Dipper.” 

“What are you talking about?  They are the ones that have Dipper!”  Ford argued.  Mabel looked around and could see others surrounding them. 

“And how did you even get here?”  Stan asked. 

“First off, I gave my word that Tad would come to no harm here.  So if you cannot guarantee some kind of truce, then we will leave.” 

“Both of you?”  Stanley asked. 


“But…” He seemed to be a loss for words. 

“How can we trust him?”  Ford growled.  

“Because he brought me here, that should be trust enough for now.”  She told him.  He didn’t seem pleased with that.  “Can we talk in private?  Please,” Mabel asked them.   

“Of course.”  Stanley said almost immediately.  She noticed that Stanford had taken longer to agree.   

“Alright.”  He murmured before turning and heading towards the office.  Mabel sighed and put her sword away and shot Tad a half-grin. 

“See, piece of cake.” 

Tad hummed, “I will reserve judgment until after this meeting.”  He drawled.   She stuck close to him as they followed her Grunkles, the eyes of the other crew members on them.  Mabel ignored them and opened the door, allowing Tad inside before she closed it.   

“Are you okay?”  Stan asked her.  “They haven’t hurt you have they?” 

“No, I’m fine, but…” she did take a few steps closer to him and without hesitation he pulled her into his arms.  She heaved a sigh of relief and felt like anything would be possible with her Uncles here.  They pulled apart and she turned to Ford who looked her up and down a moment before pulling her into a hug.

“I was worried,” he whispered softly.  

At the water's edge (not mine)- BilldipWhere stories live. Discover now