
“I have work to do.” Bill said sharply and left the room, the door slammed shut behind him.

Dipper stared at the door and tried to ignore the hurt in his chest. Was this because he was a Pines? Or was it something to do with Bill’s missing eye? He made a mental note to not touch the eyepatch again. Dipper curled up on his side his eyes staring blanking at the wall. He could a headache coming on but it was nothing compared to what his heart was feeling.


Bill huffed as he paced around his office clenching his hand into fists. He reached up with a curse and yanked off his eyepatch, tossing it to the floor. The door clicked open and Bill whirled around his right eye glowing red in rage as it landed on Tad.

“Morning Bill.” Tad said simply raising an eyebrow before moving up to undo his own eye patching. The first mate used his magic to shut and lock the door so they wouldn’t be disturbed.

“What do you want?” Bill spat but his eye slowly faded back to its golden color.

“You’re in a mood. Didn’t get laid I see.” Tad said with a raised eyebrow. Bills eye flashed back to red.

“I made a mistake.” Bill snarled as he turned away from Tad.

“With Dipper?”

“Yes!” Bill shouted.

“I don’t understand.” Tad finally said his brows furrowed in confusion.

“I have let the human to close. I should have just killed him the moment I knew he was a Pines. Or kept him in the brig, sending parts of him back to his Uncles.” Bill hissed in disgust. Tad tilted his head to the side. Anyone else might have believed the disgust and anger was aimed at Dipper but Tad spotted the truth.

“You love him.” Tad stated, his voice neutral. Bill snarled and something shattered against the wall, the room practically vibrated with uncontrolled power.

“He is human, and it’s against the rules. There is no…reason for this atrocity.” Bill sneered and Tad blinked in shock, not letting it show on his face though. It had been a very long time since Bill had brought up the rules. “I should just fuck him whenever I choose. Break him and make him fear me. He can beg for my scraps and lick my boots.”


“Cut pieces off of him to send back to Ford, show him what kind of blood thirsty pirate I am. Make them all pay.”

At the water's edge (not mine)- BilldipWhere stories live. Discover now