“Hmmm, I’m sure I don’t know.” She said, voice sweet and teasing as if she knew exactly what the Captain wanted and Dipper knew it. Dipper felt he face heat up which made her laugh.

“Come on kid, let’s get you top side. You look like you need some fresh air.” She said grabbing Dipper’s arm dragging him up with her. Dipper sputtered, but had no choice but to follow the gunner. His lips curled into a half-smile as she reminded him of Wendy. Brave, strong and a good friend.

Walking onto the deck, Dipper breathed in the sea air and relaxed. He was starting to enjoy being on the ship with the fresh air, the spray of the water on his skin, the feel of the warm sun, and the freedom. It was a scary thought, and even though a part of him wanted everything to return to normal, he knew it wasn’t possible. Those books about adventures on the seas would no longer hold the same appeal they once had….not after having had a real taste of it. He wasn’t sure if he could quit.

“Aww, come on Captain we need to boost some spirts, ‘ave a bit of fun.” Kryptos complained.

“Oy Captain!” Pyronica shouted and walked over to Bill who was glaring at the navigator, Dipper followed after her.

Turning to face them Bill glanced at her before his eye locked on to Dipper and he grinned widely at the boy. Dipper shivered at the look and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

“Pine Tree, I was wondering where you had disappeared to.”

“I was taking a break was all.”

“Captain Cipher?” Kryptos whined and Bill scowled before turning to glare at the man.

“What?” He said with a growl.

“Come on, I think it would do us all some good to have a good drink and music.” He said meekly with a pout.

“A party?” Pyronica interrupted before Bill could say anything.

“Party?” Dipper asked, his curiosity was peaked.

“Oh yes, we throw excellent parties. Not much food, but a lot of good booze, music and dancing.” Pyronica told him, putting an arm around his shoulders. “We laugh and sing and the whole hall is lit up with light.”

“Sounds like fun.” He told her, genuinely interested.

“Oh.” Bill said glancing at them before sighing. “Fine, but you have to tell the others.” Bill told her, his eye narrowed until her arm released Dipper.

“Aye, aye captain.” The Pyronica and Kryptos replied before running off leaving the two alone.

At the water's edge (not mine)- BilldipWhere stories live. Discover now