Chapter 42. Love Is Sadness

Start from the beginning

Gritting his teeth inside his lips, Endeavor let out a dissatisfied grunt and warned in a sharp tone "Enough"

Refusing to back down, Umi finally raised her chin to properly looked at Endeavor's turquoise eyes—the same color as Sakura's and Shouto's left eye "I don't want Shouto to end up in a marriage he doesn't want, I don't want him to be unhappy. So please, Endeavor-san—no—Enji Todoroki-san, if you truly care for your son, grant him the freedom he deserves. He had been in pain all this year, the trauma—" she almost break her gaze away when a sudden wave of memories about Shouto's panic attack had flashed on the back of her mind "He deserves to be truly happy this time as a hero of his own. This will be a good step to be a proper father—please" she bowed her head as low as she can. A proper father is what she said. How can she say that when she haven't had any chance nor remember having a father by her side? Is she being a hypocrite?

Endeavor stared at the young lady in front of him with amusement in his expression. He had seen her multiple times ever since she was a little child. She had always been timid, hiding behind the back of either her nanny or her best friend, Sakura. And now, she's showing independency and courage. Perhaps she gained it from training herself in becoming a hero.

What would her father say to this? He wondered.

Hikaru is truly blessed with a daughter like her, it is a shame to cut off the marriage.

"Fine" the male let out an annoyed sigh, finally taking his eyes away from Umi "I'll have it cancel. I will ask my secretary and lawyer to work on it" Stiffly, he placed one of his huge hands on the top of her head, catching the girl by surprise "Stand properly, Hirano. Now I've done you a favor, do something for me in return"


"Oh great, you guys are done changing" Sakura called out as she took a turn and saw Katsuki and Shouto walking through the hall in a fast pace. Their briefcase that contains their hero suits swung along with their movement "I'll see you out—" she stops in mid-sentence when she noticed two students following the boys, one was a particularl familiar buzzed head and the other was a female that she saw a moment ago "I see you made friends"

"Like hell they're friends!" Katsuki shouted, opening his free hand while spatting his words towards the pink haired. The female could only sigh and calmly told him not to shout so loudly, fearing that his voice will ruin her hearing.

The fawn-colored haired young woman approached Sakura with curiosity and said, "You were with All Might earlier, right? Hi, my name is Utsushimi Camie. I'm a second-year student at Shiketsu High" she extended a hand which Sakura instinctively accepted, forgetting to bow instead "Nice to meet you" her glossy and plumb lips formed into a smile.

Sakura returned her smile and said "Likewise. I'm Todoroki Sakura"

"Todoroki?" Camie looked between Shouto and Sakura "So you guys are siblings?" the two immediately moved their heads and said no. The pink haired Todoroki answered that they're cousins "I see! Wow, it must've been the genes, right? I mean you two are so good looking. You must've been popular"

Pursing her lips to keep a polite smile, Sakura only nodded to her in response and suddenly the buzzed head approached her, bowing aggressively as he energetically introduced himself "Inasa Yaorashi! I am a first-year student from Shiketsu High! I aim to be a hero—"

Raising a hand up, Sakura immediately stopped the buzzed head and said "There's no need for you to introduce yourself to me like that. The name is quite enough" she strictly said which made the huge male freeze in his stand. He wasn't offended or anything, he was just simply processing Sakura's words properly.

Noticing the missing female, who's usually tailing Sakura, Shouto tilted his head in wonder and asked "Sakura, where's Umi?"

"She said she had something important to do" Sakura replied, placing a hand on her hip. She's quite worried as well since Umi suddenly asked for All Might's permission to leave after she had asked Endeavor for a talk. Sakura wanted to ask what happened but the blue haired female was in a hurry that she didn't even managed to spare her a second glance "Umi didn't specifically said where she's going but I'm sure we'll see her again back in the dorm" her cousin replied with a silent okay, his expression remaining impassive.

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