Capítulo 1

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Before I entered the restaurant where we were having lunch, I spotted the same woman who had introduced me to Pearl, standing outside. I tapped her shoulder from behind and her worried face turned into a relieved expression.

"You made it! Wonderful!" She beams.

I forgot how falsely excited she gets over everything.

"Where's the boy?" I ask looking around her confused. I thought he must've been hiding behind her, but no.

"Oh he's inside, last table on the right," she says waving her arms around. "I must go, ring us if you need anything!" She shouts as she walks away from me.

She left him on his own? I think I'm going to have a word with the police officer, it's ridiculous how they're treating this child. That women's getting fired if I get my hands on the case.

Wearing heels everyday definetly kills your feet, so every time I leave the office I change into my black docs. A black pencil skirt and a white tight shirt with heels changes the whole outfit, but that's not me, it just helps my image at the office.

So me stumbling across the restaurant was dued to my clumsiness, not big stilettos.

I chucked my bag on the table I'd been told to go to, the kid wasn't alone apparently. A guy around my age was sitting at the table, handsome, olive skin, dark eyes and black hair. He looked like he'd just woken up, very relaxed, he had a beannie and sweatshirt on. I'm guessing he's wearing those wide tracksuit bottoms everyone wears now.

"Uh, excuse me, are you here with Zayn Malik?" I ask him, making him look up at me. He didn't seem amused, he just stared at me as if I was stupid. "Zayn Malik? A kid around... I don't know, twelve?" I ask him indicating with my hand what I imagine this kid's height would be.

He scoffs and shakes his head looking back at the table.

"Is he in the bathroom?" I asked annoyed.

"I'm Zayn Malik," he says uninterested, staring back at the table.

What? No way.

"But... How old are you?" Maybe he just looks older but he's underage.

"Twenty one," he mumbles.

"Uh... I'm just going to make a call, order anything you want, I won't be a minute," I tell him before rushing back out.

"Why am I taking care of a twenty year old?!" I spit into the phone.

"Oh, hello, I thought you'd ring" I hear the officer chuckling.

"Explain," I demand.

"There's not really that much to say Madame, it's not like Mr. Malik's fifty, he's still a troubled youngster who needs a hand," he says very calmed.

"What's his story?" I ask him, leaning on the wall behind me.

"His mum died when he was thirteen, he started living with his aunt, joined the army at seventeen and some things went down so the Colonel got arrested and Mr. Malik has to go to court. But don't worry, he's fine he just needs someone, you know..." Do I? There's probably so much more to that story. "He'll tell you more about it, don't worry," he says as if it weren't important.

"But what about his aunt or his family?" I ask him confused.

"Uh... They don't really want to know anything about him for the time being," he says awkwardly trying to end the conversation.

What happened that made his family not want to know about him? He needs help not an angry family. Although I don't know if I can give him any help.

"You'll be fine, good luck Madame!" He says and hungs up before I make a word.

Okay... I don't know what to do. He's older than me, am I meant to take him to court? I guess someone will tell me at some point.

Once I was sat back down on the table, I noticed Zayn hadn't asked for anything.

"Not hungry?" I ask him hanging my bag of the back of the chair.

He shakes his head slightly and shrugs.

"Oh, I'm Clara by the way," I introduce myself. He nods without looking back at me.

So... This could be intresting.


A big pizza is what I ordered for Zayn, I'm sure he hadn't eaten anything today. He didn't seem like an angry guy, just sad and with no motivation at all. I'd explained him he had to come with me for work and he didn't seem bothered.

I chucked his bag in the boot and joined him at the front.

"Is this like a rental car?" He asks me and I notice for the first time an accent from up North.

"Uh, no," I answer fiddling with the ignition. "It was a gift, I don't really like cars," I explain making our way to Nan's building.

Zayn's not really much of a talker, and that's about what I know about him. The drive there wasn't awkward, just silent, I didn't mind him being quiet.

We parked in the underground garage and he gave a funny look when I took a minute to change my docs for black stilettos.

"Are you like a secretary to a big shot or something?" He asks when we walk into the lift.

I press the button to the last floor and shake my head. "Uh, not quite, I work for my grandma," I explain him.

Everyone judges me as soon as they know where I come from, I don't blame them but there's so much more to me than the money I didn't even make myself. I've never befriended anyone from this sick world, in fact, I only really have one friend, but he's as good as ten.

As soon as we started walking across the floor people sarted whispering behind my back, they always do, but this time they were being more obvious. When I looked back I caught them staring at Zayn, who was walking behind me, pretending he couldn't hear them.

I can't believe these people. Sometimes I wished I worked with internships, they're so polite and respectful, they appreciate their jobs. For some reason, these idiots think I can't fire them.

"Don't you have any work to do?" I snap at one of the woman staring at Zayn in a disapproving way. They all wear designer dresses that molde their figures.

"Sorry Mam," she says, turning her head back to her computer screen.

"That's for the rest of you too," I say out loud not stoping to even look at them.

The whispering immediately stops and I smile to myself while approaching Lucy.

"Lucy! This is Zayn Malik, he's going to stay in my office while I'm in the meeting," I inform her while bashing into my office, making Zayn follow me.

"Do you own this place?" He asks when the door shuts behind us.

"No!" I exclaim horrified. "Make yourself at home, ask Lucy for anything you need, I shouldn't be long!" I leave my bag on the desk, fishing out my phone and quickly rush back out again.

I've just realized maybe leaving him in a room on his own isn't the best idea, but he is a grown man so it's strange for me to think of him like I did of Pearl.

He'll be fine.

Vote, xx

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