Capítulo 8

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The evening is turning out nice, Clara is making it nice, I forget all these snobby people can judge me. She makes me feel comfortable with myself.

"That one looks like a piglet doing somersaults," I whisper at Clara pointing out one of the paintings.

She giggles and swats my chest jokingly, my hand lays back on her side and she takes a tiny sip out of her glass.

I'm only a year older than her and she's the most relevant person for the world I know, she's known by someone other than her family and friends. Then there's me, being a no one next to her.

I feel her slip as we walk and tighten my hold on her.

"Steady," I mumble and she holds on to my arm. "You shouldn't wear those ridiculous things on your feet," I scowl.

"I can't come here in flats, Zayn," she tells me as if it was obvious.

A elderly woman dressed in some sparkly outfit, approaches us and I loosen my grip on Clara when I realize she's staring at me.

"Oh, little Clara," the woman says while embracing her in a hug, she's kind of shaky but Clara seems comfortable.

"Hello Margaret," Clara says in a warm tone with a slight giggle.

I can tell for a fact that she's had to much to drink, I really enjoy hearing her giggles but I never got to hear them this much.

My feet drag me to Clara, trying to hide behind her, although her height and small frame aren't helping I feel safer behind her. I know it's useless when the woman looks up at me and frowns.

"Who's this handsome young man?" She asks me, pushing Clara slightly to the side. "Are you one of the models in that advert for Claudia's perfume?" she says a bit louder and squinting her eyes.

My cheeks are red, I can feel how hot they are and I don't know what to answer so I look at Clara, who's finding the whole thing very amusing. I shift my weight from one foot to another and gradually step closer to Clara.

Her eyes soften when she notices something on my face and her cold hand finds mine, putting my nerves at ease.

"No, this is my friend, Margaret," she tells the old lady. "He's called Zayn."

I feel like an idiot, it's like being six and hiding behind my mother but at the same time I really don't want to let go of her hand, so I slide my fingers between hers.

"Oh, how lovely," she says holding her hands together, her eyes are almost admiring... Me? "He's a keeper Clara!" the old lady exclaims, before covering her mouth with her little wrinkly hand.

I smile at how sweet she seems, anyone would think she's said something really out of place to Clara. Although it kind of is, it's pretty obvious I shouldn't be here, but I'm glad she pretended otherwise.

"He is pretty good, yeah," Clara tells the woman while she leans into me. "You enjoy your evening, Margaret," she tells her with a big honest smile.

"Oh, you know I always do!" the old woman chuckles as she waves walking off.

"I think I need the loo again," I tell Clara slipping my hand out of hers.

Her brows frown and I almost immediately offer her a smile. "Not hiding, I promise," I tell her drawing a tiny cross on her forehead.

Her big green eyes lighten up and she nods pointing towards the table with all the food. I nod in understanding and make my way to the restrooms we'd been in before.

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