Part 1

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Selena entered the greenhouse and a wave of heat nearly knocked her off her feet. The night had been a bit chilly and the contrast was dizzying. She stared in awe at the colorful flora and fauna that closed in oppressively,drawing her eyes to the throne carved into the tree and in it, the lithe green figure of Pamela Isely, wreathed in a dress of leaves and berries that hugged her figure perfectly.

Their eyes met and Pamela beckoned her to come closer.

"Hello Pamela."


Pam gave a green-lipped smile and pulled a chair over with one of the many vines that slithered betwixt and between the greenery.

The chair itself seemed to be carved from smooth wood, allowing her to sit comfortably. She laid the whip against one side of the chair and a brown leather briefcase with embossed lettering next to the handle, the name of some overpaid executive who wouldn't have batted an eye as a few thousand dollars, merely a pittance, was snatched away in the night.

"Thank you for bringing the money."

"It was a pleasure."

Selena got up and placed the briefcase onto Pamela's open lap, looking a little too long at her seductively shaped legs. She noticed Pamela's feet were bare, dug into the dirt so she could feel the earth moving beneath her. Selena imagined then, what it would be like to be in touch with the entirety of nature as she sat down, feeling that the chair had moulded again to her form.

Pamela flicked the latches with two flicks of her thumbs and pulled it open to reveal the green stacks. She riffled through them, her smile growing wider. She handed a wad over to Selena.

"That's your cut. I wouldn't put it past you to have taken more for yourself already, but this shall suffice."

"What are you going to do with it?" Selena enquired.

"Spend it on my babies of course. This can go a long way to helping a few good charities. I'm not a villain, just an 'eco terrorist'." She mimed quotation marks. She leant in to Selena and whispered, "I didn't just hire you to be a thief, you know." and planted a single delicate kiss on her cheek.

Selena stiffened, back straightening as she recoiled. The whip was in her hand immediately and Pamela said, in a commanding voice, "Sit. Down."

Selena dropped into the chair, sinking into it, the smooth wood enveloping her now, holding her there. She didn't want to sit down,but she couldn't stop herself, being drawn in by the power of her kiss.

Pamela leant down and ran her hands over the shining black leather of Selena's costume and looked into her eyes. She saw the frightened look in her eyes, even through the goggles. "Now, now. I saw you staring at me. All you need to do is relax and let me do the work." She leant down and pressed her lips into Selena's, who kissed her back, a modicum of willpower still at her disposal. Their tongues battled and Selena was pushed closer to Pam, who held her tightly, leather against leaves. Pam moved away, stepping back and letting her dress of leaves fall away and revealing a small bush of shocking ginger hair against her emerald skin and her pert nipples standing hard in the humid air.

With but a thought, Catwoman was flung into her arms as the chair rocked and Pamela hugged her against her naked skin. She found the zip and slowly pulled it down, slowly revealing her pale white skin, now slick with sweat, against the gleaming black of the costume. "I've told you before, dear, if you come into the greenhouse without something breathable, you'll be gasping for air."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2020 ⏰

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