Chapter 31

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A week had gone by and everyone was busy
trying to prepare the perfect wedding, no matter how much Sam and Donna kept saying that to them all that mattered was to have them there. None of them wanted "the big wedding". They had already had that: what they needed now was just something for the two of them, and their families.
Sam's sons couldn't have been happier when they found out that Donna was doing okay and, even if at first they were scared that, since Lorraine was their mother, Donna would have felt uncomfortable around them, after Donna talked to the two of them on the phone, they both promised her they would have have been at the wedding.
Sam was continuously checking that Donna and Jake were doing okay and, no matter how much she told him to stop worrying, knowing how he kept a close on her and their baby, made her feel safer than ever.

It was the night before the wedding and Sophie had convinced them to let her babysit Jake so they could go out on a date and celebrate, which in her opinion was just what they needed.
At first, they were hesitant, especially Donna who had actually never left him alone if she wasn't forced to but at the end they had both agreed that he would have been absolutely fine with Sophie and Sky and mostltly, some day they should have started leaving him and that was the perfect chance.


Sam had just got out of the bathroom and went to see if Donna was ready. His breath left his body when he saw her standing in front of a mirror with a beautiful floral long dress that embraced every part of her body perfectly.
-Damn- he murmured slowly walking towards her -You... you look so ... so goddamn beautiful-

Donna immediately smiled at the feeling of his srms wrapped around her waist -You don't look too bad either, Carmichael- she flirted laying her head on his shoulder as she kept looking at the reflection of the two of them in the mirror.

-What are you thinking about?- Sam asked kissing the side of her head

-Who would have thought that not only I'd end up marrying the asshole that broke my heart in my twenties but I'd also marry him twice?- she teased as he shook his head and kissed the top of her head.

-Not me since when I came back you were already dating someone else- he teased back as she laughed and playfully punched his arm.

-Hey, I just needed a distraction from the architect who had broken my heart- she murmured stucking her tongue out at him as Jake started crying and they both walked towards his crib.
-Hey, what is it, sweetheart?- She asked picking him up and placed a kiss on his stomach which immediately calmed him down.

-He just wanted to be in his mother's arms- he winked as Donna looked up at him and smiled as he went over and wrapped his arm around her, afyer he kissed the top of Jake's head -It's amazing how he calms down as soon as you pick him up-

-I love how he catches your finger everytime- Donna whispered laying her head on her husband's shoulder as they both smiled looking at their baby boy.

For a couple minutes they just stayed in that position, enjoying being just the three of them until Sam spoke again.
-Let's get going-


They were making their way to the hotel hand in hand when, something came to Donna's mind.
-Shit!- she murmured stopping all of sudden -I forgot Jakie's supper-

-Honey, I'll go get them- Sam said but she shook her head

-I'll go- she smiled softly kissing his lips and then Jake's head -Get going. I'll be there in ten minutes-

Donna quickly got back home and started searching in the fridge for the bottles and was actually surprised when she didn't see them there.
-How is it possible?- she murmured to herself -I put them here by myself!-

All of sudden, a voice from my behind made her freeze -Are you searching for these, Donna?-

She closed her eyes tightly and slowly turned to the other side, where Lorrain was pointing a gun at her with a smirk on her face -Did you miss me, Sheridan?-

-What... what do you want, Lorraine?- Donna murmured holding into the fridge, trying to not show her how scared she was....

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