Chapter 28

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-Nothing could ever change the way I look at you, Donna- Sam choked, making his presence known.

-S...Sam...- Donna sobbed when she heard her husband's voice. She couldn't face him. Not after what had happened.

-I'll come check on you later, yes?- murmured Ruby, kissing her head and getting up with Sam's help.

-She needs you... let her see it- she whispered in his ear, after taking her grandson in his arms -I'll take this little one with me-

Sam watched the old woman walked away and then back at his wife who was staring at her rings. He went to sit by her side and took a deep breath before talking. -Donna... please, look at me-

-I... I can't, Sam- she breathed. She felt awful for reacting the way she had and was starting to think the only way to protect him, was letting him go.

-I'm sorry, Donna- he murmured staring into the sea in front of them

At those words, Donna immediately turned towards him -You're sorry!? I am the one who should be apologizing!-

-Why the hell should you be apologizing?!- asked Sam finally looking into her eyes

-Oh my God, Sam! You were there!- she said exasperated -What I did... I... Thought you were them. You know... maybe, maybe, she was right...
L.. Lorraine was right. Maybe we should just get divorced. Everything will be easier and...-

-Divorced?!- Sam asked looking at her with big eyes -Oh, God! No! Listen, I... I know I fucked up. I know it was my ex wife who did all this to you and I'm SO sorry I didn't even come after you earlier...-

-Sam, Sam, Sam- Donna said taking his hands in hers with tears in her eyes -It's not about that, honey... Not...Not at all. None of what happened is your fault and that's.. that's why I...- Sam watched as she took a deep breath, got up and started pacing back and forth and in that moment he realized how close he was to loosing her. Another time. He couldn't let that happen -I... I think I have to leave... I'm... I'm not the woman you married, not anymore. I'm not the girl you fell in love with many years ago and I don't think I'll ever be her again. Sam, I... I love you and that's exactly why I can't... I can't stay with you knowing that I'm keeping you here, that I'm not giving you everything I can and...-

Sam thoughts he would be sick. He couldn't listen to anything else. He quickly got up and took her hands in his -Marry me again, Donna-

Donna looked at him like he was crazy -I'm... I'm not following... I think you didn't understand. What I'm.. I'm saying is...-

-I know. I heard what you said and you know what? I think it's complete bullshit!- he exclaimed and Donna looked at him as if she was a little kid who had just been robbed of her candy -Donna, I love you! Do you love me?-

-Oh my God... Sam... what... what kind of question is it?- she asked -Of course I love you! You know that b... but that's not the point!-

-That is EXACTLY the point, Donna- Sam said cupping her face in his hands -In our lives I risked WAY TOO MANY times to lose you, I couldn't take it once more. I love you, Donna Sheridan Carmichael. I've loved you since I saw you for the first time all those years ago in that rainy day and I love you right now, as you're standing right front of me. We'll face whatever we have to face, all I care is that we're TOGETHER-

-Sam...- Donna murmured shaking her head as she saw her husband kneeling down in front of her.

Sam took her hand in his and kissed it -Well... I still don't have a ring but, will you make me the happiest man on this earth another time marrying me again, Donna?-

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