Chapter 13

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-I need to talk with you, Sam. You deserve to know. You have to help her.-

-Who do I need to help?- asked Sam

-Your wife- answered Lucas out of his breath.

Sam looked at him not understanding -I need to help Lorraine? Listen, first, she isn't my wife. She is YOUR wife. We divorced YEARS ago. I know your marriage isn't in the best situation right now but you have a son and I don't want to have anything to do with her...- Lucas interrupted what Sam was saying
-You didn't understand- He began -You need to help your wife, Donna-

At Donna's name Sam's eyes fillied up with tears -What.. Donna... my wife isn't here anymore... she's gone...she died year ago-

-That's what she wants you to believe- Lucas said while holding a sleeping Jake

Sam looked at him like he was crazy -What are you trying to say?-

-She is alive, Sam. Donna is alive-

Sam started trembling -Wha... What? I don't... I don't know what kind of joke it is isn't funny.-

-It isn't a joke, Sam. She is alive - said Lucas softly

-This... this doesn't make sense- his head was spinning... how it could be real? They had told him she was dead... he hadn't been able to see her body because they had said it was unrecognizable but the police had told him so.

-Lorraine- Lucas said simply

-Lorraine? What does she have to do with this? and if Donna isn't dead. WHERE is my wife?-

-It's all Lorraine's fault... and mine, I think. I asseconded?????? her and helped her with this...mess- he said with tears in his eyes.


-The day... the day they told you Donna wasn't true. Lorraine had been planning this for months. Donna was about to get on the ferry when Lorraine took her from behind. At that time I was working in the police.. and one night I met this gorgeous woman in a pub, Lorraine. I fell in love instantly. She... she convinced me Donna had done terrible things to her... and we changed some documents and... I think you know the rest-

-NO! I don't fucking know the rest- Sam ran his hand through his hair-LORRAINE was the one who has Always made everything in her power to make her life hell. Tell me where the fuck is my wife, NOW-

-She... Lorraine keeps her in... in the basement all this time. She tortures her, Sam- Lucas cried.

Sam took his phone out of his pocket frenetically and was about to dial 911 but Lucas took his phone from him. The giult was killing him but he wouldn't have bretraid her -Please, Sam. If you'll call the police she... she'll understand something is wrong and she could kill her. She hasn't anything to loose. She... she beats her, takes Jake away from her, killing her probably...-

Sam was crying by now -I can't believe...I... Wait...What does your son have to do with this? - He looked at the small baby who was still sleeping.

-Actually...there is more- Lucas looked at the ground -Jake... he isn't our son-

-What do you mean?-

-Donna was pregnant when Lorraine took her- Lucas finally looked into Sam's devasted eyes. -He is your son-

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