Chapter 2

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Fear. Sadness. Helpless.
This was all Donna had been feeling since the past year.
-Get up, you bitch- the red haired woman said getting into the room.

-What the hell do you want now, Lorraine?- Donna said trying with everything in her not to cry. The last thing she wanted was to let Lorraine see her crying.

-I'm not going to answer to your stupid question-

Donna knew she should have just shut up, she had learned it, but this time she was too angry to just stay quiet
-What? Did you realise that it isn't enough keep us tied in this fucking basement just so you can have your vengeance? It has been one year, Lorraine, one fucking year!- tears were now streaming down her face.

Lorraine was about to answer back, when a cry interrupted her -Shit, make him stop-

Donna looked at her 5 months old baby that was sitting on her lap and tried to calm him down, the best she could.
-Please, my love. Don't cry, do it for mommy-

Lorraine rolled her eyes at the scene in front of her
-In a hour I'll be back, I'm going to visit my husband, would you like to leave Sam a message?-

-You're fucking insane-

Without saying anything else Lorraine made her way out, slamming the door and turning off the lightis.
Donna didn't say anything else. She just held her baby boy tightly and silent sobs started coming out of her mouth non-stop -It's going to be okay sweetheart. Mommy will make everything in her power to make sure you'll be safe. I... I promise...-


Sam was in the old goat house, playing with Donny when someone knocked the door. He went to open the door and was everything beyond happy seeing Lorraine, standing in front of him. Since Donna's death, she had been regularly visiting him and no matter how many times he had tried to tell her that he preferred if this visits stopped, she just seemes to not understand. He had no idea why she was still thinking she had chances with him. No matter hpw much he loved his boys, they were never meant to be, it had all been an error.
-Oh, hi Lorraine-

-Sam- she said with a smirk on her face

-What are you doing here?-

-Yes thank you, I'm fine, what about you?- He rolled his eyes and let her into the goat house.

Her smile disappeard when she saw Donna and Sam's photo on his bed  -You know she won't come back, you're wasting your life-

-Lorraine, I won't tollerate...-
She interrupted what he was saying and started kissing him.

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