Chapter 10

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It had been an amazing party and it finally arrived the moment of the cake.
While everyone was singing happy birthday, Sophie started feeling like she didn't have enough air and the memories of all her birthday parties where her mother was always next to her, embracing her tight and taking photos, came back to her.
Everyone was waiting for her to blow away the candles but she started to walk away.
-I'm sorry- she whispered before running away -I can't do...this-

-C'mon old lady, only 4 candles left- said Donna while hugging a 7 years old Sophie after her first try

-Mom! I'm not old- laughed Sophie -And I can't. I've alredy tried but they won't turn off!-

-Hey! Hey! Hey! I don't wanna hear "I can't do this" Okay? You, Sophie Sheridan are such a strong girl. You can do anything, you just have to believe it- said Donna grabbing her little hand.

Sophie took a deep breath and tried once again, this time blewing all the candles off.
-I did it!- screamed an excited Sophie

-What did I tell you?- asked Donna with a smile full of pride for her little girl. -You did it!-

Sophie looked at her with nothing but love in her eyes -I love you, mama-

Donna was taken by surprise and got emotional as her little girl hugged her tightly -I love you too, Soph-

Sam finally found her sitting on a chair next to Donny's crib, looking at a photo of her mother and her the day of her wedding

-Honey, are you okay?- asked Sam entering

Sophie turned to see him with tears in her eyes -She...-

-She what?- Asked Sam placing his hand on her shoulder

-She said we had time- Sophie broke down in sobs -And how long was it? Four years?-

Sam hugged her tightly -Oh Sophie-

-I want her here, tonight. I want her to know Donny. I want her with me- she cried in her stepfather's arms.

-I want that too, Sophie. Believe me, I'd do anything to have her here with us again- he said placing a kiss on her head -But you know how she was. She would have never, NEVER wanted you to cry. Especially on the day of your birthday.-

-That's right- said Tanya entering with the rest of the family.

-Do you ever lie awake at night?
Just between the dark and the morning light
Searching for the things you used to know
Looking for the place where the lost things go- started singing Sophie

-Do you ever dream or reminisce?
Wondering where to find what you truly miss
Well maybe all those things that you love so
Are waiting in the place where the lost things go- continued singing Bill and Harry together looking softly at Sophie

-Memories you've shed gone for good you feared
They're all around you still though they've disappeared.
Nothing's really left or lost without a trace
Nothing's gone forever only out of place- sang the dynamos taking Sophie's hand in theirs

-We love you so much- said Sky softly -You will never be alone-

Sophie looked at her son who was sleeping peacefully as Sam got near to her and sang the last part
-So when you need her touch and loving gaze
Gone but not forgotten is the perfect phrase
Smiling from a star that she makes glow
Trust she's always there, watching as you grow-

-Find her in the place here the lost things go- They sang together before hugging each other

-Thank you- she whispered -Thank you all, really. I... I don't know what I would do without you all-

-We love you, little dynamo- said Rosie hugging her goddaughter.

-I'm so glad I have you, all of you-

-Family hug!- screamed Harry as the whole family got in the hug.

-The baby!- Tanya playfully smacked his arm. -God! This baby has such an heavy sleep-

-Just like you, Bill- laughed Rosie

-Well, we all know...- started Bill

-Oh? Do you want to star that again!?- Asked Sam

-Ears- said Harry sure of himself.

-Oh stop it!- said Sophie strongly trying hard not to laugh - You are all my dads and you know it-

-You're right Sophie- the three men said together

-Sometimes she terrorizes me just like her mother- laughed Sam

-Proud of it- Answered Sophie smiling at them - Now, who wants the cake?-

The rest of the party went well but as soon as Sam woke up the next morning he felt the necessity to spend a little time with his wife.

-Hi darling- he said placing flowers on her grave, or what he thought it was. -You know... yesterday our girl turned 26, she was so happy 'cause Bill and Harry were here... and Ruby too! I know she was a totally bitch with you and I will never forgive her for that but she really is trying- he sighed -Well, as I will never forgive myself-
-I miss you so much- he whispered -Yesterday... even if everything seemed perfect... it wasn't and we all knew it even if we tried to pretend it was. Sophie... she broke down some a point and I tried.. I tried to make her feel better but I couldn't. I don't know what to do Donna. I don't know how to help her when I can't even help myself. They all think I'm going crazy... and probably it's true. But they don't know how every breath I take kills me 'cause you're not with me- he cried -I'm lost without you, Donna-

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