Chapter 11

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-c'mon Donna, it's only the rest of your life-

Today was THE day, THAT day. It should have been their 6th anniversary.
That morning, when Sam woke up he instinctively turned on the other side of the bed, excepting to meet Donna's beautiful green eyes. The thought of not being able to hold her in his arms ever again made him sick.

-Happy anniversary, darling- he whispered to the empty side where the love of his life used to sleep.

He stayed in bed for a while and thought about what he told her the day of the wedding "it's only the rest of your life" . What have that been? Four years? Damn, this wasn't right. She deserved to be with him, now, celebrating their anniversary.
She deserved to be with him at Donny's baptism, next to him, holding his hand and looking into Donny's beautiful blue eyes.

Instead of Sam, Donna, woke up at the most beautiful sound in the world. Her son's laughter.
She quickly opened her eyes and saw Lucas playing with Jake near to her.

Lucas couldn't help but laughed looking at her -Good morning sleeping beauty-

Lucas quickly untied the ropes that kept her hands tied.

Donna looked at him warily but the sight of her son quickly filled up her eyes with tears.
-Jake- she cried as Lucas handed her the baby
-Mommy missed you so much. Oh boy, I'm so glad you're okay-
She then looked at Lucas -Thank you-

He just smiled and murmured a silent "I'm sorry"

-Lucas- said Donna taking her sight off her son's and looking into Lucas' eyes -I... I have to ask you a favor-

-Whatever I can to being forgiven... I really don't know what was going on on my mind last night... I'm really...-

-It''s okay... but I need to know that if something would happen to me...- she started with tears in her eyes -Please.... you... you have to bring him to Sam, you can't let him with Lorraine- she said as her voice broke.

-Donna, I...-

-Please, I'm begging you- she cried

-I will do everything I can, I swear-
She murmured a silent thank you and then turned her attention back to Jake -I love you so much, my love. Please remember that- She smiled as her baby gave her his biggest smile

-Uhm... I think he's hungry so...- Donna said a little embarassed

-Oh yes, I gave him a bottle yesterday but I- answered him not showing the smallest intention to turn on the other side.

-I...- started Donna -Uhm, nothing-

Donna started positioning Jake when Lucas talked. -I'm glad you're okay-

She gave him an uncomfortable smile and them gave her son a loving look.

Lucas was smiling at the beautiful scene in front of him until he heard a door slam.

-What the fuck is going on here?- Lorraine yelled looking at them in disguise

-I...- started Donna but got interrupted by Lorraine.

-Shut the fuck up, you bitch. How long has it been going on?-

-Lorraine this isn't what you're thinking. I just couldn't calm the baby down and I brought him here so she could do it...-

She cut off whatever he was saying-Shut up, asshole. With you I'll talk later- She untied the rope which was keeping her legs wrapped -Lucas, let us alone. We need to have a girls chat-

Lucas took Jake and did as he was told.

Donna noticed how Lorraine seemed distracted and took the chance. She slapped her in the face with all the strength she had, making her loose her equilibrium and started running quickly over the stairs. She went over to take the baby but Lorraine quickly arrived and grabbed Donna by her neck
-Where do you think you're going?-

Lorraine looked into the woman's green eyes and was filled with rage. With all her strength she pushed Donna down the stairs.
-Jake....Sam- was all Donna managed to whisper right before fainting for the pain.

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