4| His family or Her?

Start from the beginning

From some distance, a contented Manik was watching her hop all around the garden, full with gaity and joy, trying to make Mukti's vision come true. He was not only admiring her work but also how heavenly she looked in that dress.

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One thing that mattered very much to Manik, or the one thing that he specifically wanted in his partner was her to treat his family like a part of him and not different from him

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One thing that mattered very much to Manik, or the one thing that he specifically wanted in his partner was her to treat his family like a part of him and not different from him. When he had seen Nandini's hostility towards any new person, he was not sure if she would accept his family but now, tables have turned drastically. Nandini had very easily accepted his family and friends as her own. She was ready to go till any lengths to make sure each one of them had a smile on their faces, and this was one of many qualities that he respected.

Right now, Nandini was looked quite engrossed in a conversation with Nyonika. With the animated gesture of his mother and the wrinkles of worry on her face, Manik understood there was some problem which popped up suddenly and now the person who could help was Nandini. He chuckled at the thought that his mother believes her more than him. Nandini was their problem solver.

Getting onto his feet, Manik made his way to intrude the conversation. "...and we are going short on return gifts", he just heard the last line which was the gist of the whole problem. "Do not worry aunty I'll look at it", Nandini held her hands assuring her in her own way.

"Mom, even I could have solved it. Why didn't you tell me?", Manik asked her as he hugged Nyonika from behind. Nyonika, with her ever on point sarcasm replied, "To get the situation more severed?". She slyly came out of his hold and put her hands on Nandini's shoulders ,"I know she has the brains to solve things while you are a perfectionist in making situation more problematic", and the duo burst out laughing at his expense.

Even if he hates it, he has to admit Nyonika was right. Manik was not good, read extremely bad, at organizing things. His one finger was more than enough to count succesful parties organised solely by him. He wanted to be a little jealous at the smooth bond that his mother and his girlfriend had between them, yet he could just smile.

The admirable gaze, with which Manik was looking at Nandini made her quiver under. She knew he was thinking about her for the smile that laced his face told the tales. The crimson blushed that creeped on Nandini's face was a signal for Nyonika to leave the couple alone. She herself, was able to understand the meaning the exchange of looks. She had been there, in her youth, with the love of her life, her husband. The beautiful connection that they shared forced everyone to rethink their days of Romance. Nyonika too started searching for Raj, and have some time alone.

"Finally... I have you for sometime", Manik said as soon as he saw Nyonika leaving. Resting his hands on the sides of her waist, he pulled her towards him, close enough for him to inhale her rosy fragrance. Even before Nandini could reply, Alya came in huffing. "Nandini there is some problem with the caterers", she informed and soon Manik felt her withdrawing touch. Nandini passed him a genuine sorry look. Sighing, he smiled at the sweet irony, he introduced her to the family and now he was sidelined in front of him. He still had no complaints.


The party was now coming down from its hype as guests left the garden after having a beautiful evening. Once again, cosy corners were made where small groups gathered around and gossiped about life, love and so on.

Manik had just retreated to a corner after having a small discussion with some of his friends from the industry. He was just now offered a short series which was to be released on the OTT platforms. He was anyways thinking of diving in that arena and this offer came as a push start. He knew he will be having a proper discussion regarding it with Nandini as well as his manager.

His train of thoughts seemed to put a break to its journey as soon as it hears the word Nandini. It becomes impossible for him to think beyond her, sometimes. This was one such occasion. His mind was stuck at her when he found her coming towards him with a smile dancing on her face. "Finally fixed all the problems?", Manik asked with a smile. The answer was written on her tired face.

"I am tired Manik", she said as she slumped down on the chair, beside him. Manik embraced her while she kept her head on his chest, hearing the even thumping of his heart. Manik chuckled kissing the top of her head. "Why did you take everything on your head ha?", he questioned softly, tucking her undone tresses behind her ears.

"Manik for the first time in my life I have some people who treat me as their own, who care about my happiness then how can I let go of any chance to make them happy", she was looking directly at the stage, at Mukti's twinkling eyes and Abhimanyu's content smile. She was looking at a merry Nyonika whose cheeks hurt with showing her teeth. She looked at Raj whose chest puffed with pride.

Everyday that Nandini wakes up, she thanks Manik for this. This small group of people called family, which she lacked forever. She didn't even dare dream about having one for she was sure there was no one who could ever accept her with her flaws and her past. And then, one fine day, she met this gem of a person.

The value and the hidden emotions behind those words, those unheard sentiments were understood by Manik. He acknowledged them by pulling Nandini deeper into his embrace. He knew Nandini has had a tough childhood and even tougher adolescence. Even if he tried he cannot mend those cracks in her life, but he was making sure that these cracks no longer effect her more, and was being successful at it.

A stifled sigh of pain from Nandini brought Manik back to the world. With scrunched brows he looked at Nandini, only to find her fiddling with her heels, trying to remove them without having to untangle herself from him and bend down. He shook his head at her laziness.

Detaching himself, he bend down on his knees in front of her, not only making her gasp but also others around. She was about to protest when he looked up straight into her eyes, conveying that he will still do it. He put her feet in his lap, untied the strap of her heels and removed them gently. Her white feet had red lines made on them with all the running around that she has been doing.

Right then, he called for a servant and asked him to get a cream to soothe her pain. The servant was quick to abide by his orders. Within minutes, Manik had a tube of cream in his hand and he was applying it gently on her foot, massaging them. While his concentration was on how to lessen her pain, Nandini's eyes glistened with tears. She was not the emotional kind but these type of display of affection from Manik, that too at those times when she expects least leave great impact on her.

At that time, Manik was not the super star actor, Manik. He was Nandini's boyfriend Manik who cared the most for her. He didn't care what others think. He didn't care what the media may publish. All what he cared about was washing away the lines of pain from his beloved's forehead.

It was these kind of moments which not only made Nandini believe more in love but also let the whole world see that Manik Malhotra has his heart taken and there was no turning back. No power was powerful enough to make him leave his Nandini. Their family which was noticing the whole scenario was proud of them, proud of what they had for each other. This kind of affinity was a rare find and seeing it flourish and nurture in front of their eyes was even rarer. All they could do was pray to god that this relationship prospers more with no evil eyes landing on them.


So how was their moment? After a dense confusing chapter I thought this was needed. If I get a good response I may come up with a second update as a return gift on my birthday😉

How were the MaNan moments?
Liked the bonding Nandini shared with Manik's family?
What else would you like to see in their relationship?

Thank you for reading.
Stay in. Stay safe❤️❤️
Loads of love peeps!!!!

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