'Salvation of Her'

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He saved me being alone from darkness. He's the one who stayed when everyone left. He is my light and savior.

"Giseah, don't be scared. I'm always right behind you, guiding the way and saving you from darkness. Don't you ever dare leave me, okay? You should live your life to the fullest. Because we're lucky that we are still breathing and living to this Earth. Your life is given by God. Suicide isn't good. Don't make your depression eats you whole. It might take you to do such as thing that will end your life. I love you." After Niall speak, he kissed my temple

"I love you too, Niall." And hugged him

It's been 10 years, Niall. 1 month after you died, our angel came into my life. 9 months without you beside me. I am sad because you didn't have the chance to hold and see our beautiful baby. I named her Gialle. Gialle gave me the strength to fight the darkness and love my life. I always remember the day we had accident. It is like a nightmare for me. I can still see and remember how you covered me. You used your body to cover me. Before your breathing ends, you hugged me tightly as if I am your life saver. I suddenly remember the word you said before you died.

"Sorry if I can't make it until the end for us, Giseah." And you kissed my lips and forehead for the last time

Maybe you already know that I'm pregnant. I was crying hard while the ambulance are rushing us to the hospital. I didn't notice that there is blood between my legs. I'm very lucky that the doctor quickly assist me. Our angel and me survive. But you didn't survive.

"Ma, are you done? If you are done with your business, just go downstairs. I'm just gonna go outside to see my best friend. We need to hurry up. Because we will gonna be late for my graduation ceremony." My daughter said

As I watched her walking away, I wanna bring back the old times. I wanna go back to the time our daughter is just a baby, Niall. I wish that you will let me live longer until our angel is old enough to have her own family. Just let me see our angel experience getting older and achieve her dreams.

I promised that I will always remember and love you. Just patiently wait for me over there, Niall.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2022 ⏰

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