Twenty Two

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At the centre of the sandy arena stood a line of twelve: the hot-blooded, rich, young men of Aquaria. They wore expensive clothes; some donned a cloak for extra effect, all with gleaming silver rapiers by their sides, the flags of their Houses streaming behind them.

Nevertheless, Xanthea easily spotted Darius in a cobalt blue tunic and black trousers and boots. In a line of mostly mute shades it was as if he donned a piece of the sea itself. While most of the other men wore tunics in more straight, austere cuts, his one was in a newer fashion, with looser sleeves that caught the breeze but narrowed at the cuffs. Some of the men had strips of fabric tied around their left upper arms. Xanthea noticed Darius's sleeve was unadorned by such a token.

When the host introduced each man, announcing their name and House, the men had an opportunity to add a few words of their own. Some of the gentlemen wished their opponents luck or got them riled up in a friendly manner. Others had some words for their fair ladies.

'I hope I am able to give the crowd a good show,' said one young man. Xanthea noticed he found someone particular in the audience. 'Especially the sweet Lady Aurelia,' he added. Xanthea guessed it was Aurelia's token he wore on his arm.

The young Lord Callius dedicated his duel to his newly married wife. Then something started becoming apparent. There was one woman who inspired multiple men fighting at the tournament. Livia.

The first one of her admirers, Dominicus, said, 'I wish to fight well for all of you, but there is someone here I particularly hope to please.' He focused on a face in the spectator area, 'She is but an angel, bestowed upon us from Vestia.' Everyone knew who he was talking about now.

Xanthea stood at the railing next to a crowd of children. They were completely unaware of her, of course, in her invisible state. She turned to the seats behind her and found Livia sitting at the first row with her parents. Livia sat rigidly straight, as if pretending not to understand that she was mentioned.

After two more men another young fellow revealed he was besotted with her. 'I thank the dear lady who has given me her token of good luck.' Then he added, 'Er, there is another I wish to dedicate my tournament to: Miss Livia.'

Xanthea raised her eyebrows. His original lady would not be pleased. She took a glance at Darius to see him carrying a straight face. Perhaps a look of annoyance. Was he jealous?

The next admirer flouted, 'I must say, I have found myself a princess to fight for -I hope I can prove to Miss Livia that I am worthy to be her knight.' The crowd burst into cheers and clapping, like the previous times when a competitor mentioned their object of affection. Xanthea saw Livia wasn't fond of this, smiling uneasily and smoothing her skirts. Her mother also smiled but rather nervously. Lord Flavius gave nothing away. Xanthea had a feeling he was as unimpressed as his daughter.

Augustus was up next and simply said, 'I hope everyone has a good time at the festival.'

Darius bowed his head as the host reached his name. When he lifted his head again, Xanthea saw his customary carefree smile.

It was difficult for her to see him the way the crowd did, as an outsider, considering their communications over the last decade. He would sometimes express how he didn't like putting on a show like this. Yet if that was the case, how did he fit this role so well? He was a peacock among pigeons, a prince among lesser knights. He was easy to admire -exactly what this crowd was hungry for.

When the host finished, Darius spoke. 'I see that the beautiful Livia has become endearing to us all.' The crowd agreed and cheered. 'I had planned on dedicating my duel to you, Livia,' he continued, 'but I'm afraid with other offers she might not accept it,' he said to the audience. The spectators indulged him with laughter at his self-deprecation. 'Here's hoping at least some of us win her over.' More cheers ensued until the next introduction by the host.

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