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Darius woke up with an edge of hostility. He remembered Aquillus's resolution to cut down the wraiths of Aquaria. And the sketch drawn by Aaron that lay face-down in his drawer under other papers. He didn't like those two things together. He didn't want to contemplate what would have happened if an associate of Aquillus saw the girl that Aaron did.

Aquillus, Aaron's sighting, getting Livia's attention. It all tumbled onto him with fresh weight. He picked up his practice rapier from the metal hooks, letting the cold clang of metal brushing metal ring out. The training was a welcome distraction to smooth out his emotions.

He often found he enjoyed the sword practice more than the actual tournament. The practice sessions were honest; the tournament involved some playacting. Here he was in a dull, beige tunic, moving in synchronisation with his rapier to attack and defend. It was a simple language in lashes of steel, blocking and twisting footwork between him and his opponent.

In the tournament there were other things at play. He would be in more fashionable attire. He would have to look the part of a hero. The sword movement and his body's movement would have to be fluid, like a dance. Like a show. Alas, it was even expected that the more confident of the young men had to spar not just with their rapiers but also with their tongues in between their moves. The banter between such a pair of opponents added to that air of drama expected at the tournaments.

It ensured things never became seriously heated. The aim of the tournaments was to provide a show of skill -not fatalities. Though, a healthy dose of aggression was encouraged to keep the male population in good practice, should the Emperor ever need citizens to aid his armies. For the same reason, personal duels were also encouraged and to keep larger conflicts from erupting.

Darius briefly greeted his sparring partner Claudius. As he took his position he cringed inwardly.

You look tired, Cassius. Don't you want to give Lady Arabella an unforgettable performance? That was one of his insults, last year. It got the intended reaction from his opponent, Cassius, who lunged at him upon the insult. Goodness, what Darius would do for a simple bout of the swords, without the sly wordplay.

He had a dark look in his eyes as he thrust the rapier at Claudius's shoulder with his sword arm, his left hand fisted behind his back. The other man blocked him, just. The surprise was painted on Claudius's face as Darius resumed the match without any pause. Normally, they would talk, trying out their weapons and arms before getting into proper sword-work.

Darius struck again. And again. He ducked aside with ease when an attack came his way, as if possessed by a supernatural energy. He twisted his feet and changed direction in seconds to evade Claudius's blade.

Soon Darius's sword strokes burst forth relentlessly. Claudius was unable to block many, a flush of red creeping up his face. Finally, Darius's assaults sent him backward and his foot tipped over the rope boundary, giving Darius victory of the match.

Darius breathed deeply. He dropped the rapier on the ground bringing his hands on his knees as he bent forward.

'Are you alright?' Claudius asked, despite being the one defeated. He sensed something was up with Darius. This didn't feel like their usual practice bouts.

'Yes, of course!' Darius stood straight and put on a grin, with his hands on his hips. 'I suppose I mean to be more focused for the tournament this year. You know, don't want to be trumped by Dominicus again.' It was a good cover. Last year, it was Dominicus who took the victory at the tournament with Darius as runner-up.

'Well, then you better deliver what you just did at the tournament.'

After that Darius decided to give his full concentration on swordplay, drowning out the thoughts he didn't want to think. His strikes were now less tense but more precise as a result. He noticed Augustus come up and start his practice too. Though, his brother was decidedly reluctant about it. Sword fighting was not Augustus's forte.

As wasn't talking to Livia, he noticed.

He didn't have any trouble with it. But the trouble was, he didn't know what his father's expectations were. His father didn't expect him to marry Livia, did he? If that were the case, he was afraid it wasn't something he could fulfil.

Augustus needed some impetus to be Livia's champion. Darius walked over to his brother and asked, 'Shall we have a bout?'

Augustus agreed indifferently and took up his position.

He was the first to attack which Darius parried in time. Though he had to admit, it almost caught him off guard. This continued for a while with Darius getting more and more quick, cunning almost, in his blocks. Then Darius landed his rapier tip on Augustus, gaining himself a point. Then another. It seemed to make Augustus hungry for some points too, and he managed a couple of touches on his brother. But it wasn't enough. He was simply too slow to both parry and set up his own attacks.

Neither of them managed to take the other outside of the circular border. In the proper tournament the winner was the man who was either able to send his opponent outside the boundary or managed to land more hits on him than he received within the time limit.

'Shall we call it a day?' said Augustus, realising they weren't playing against time and no one was keeping score. He was also sick of taking hits.

Darius lowered his rapier and backed away. 'You did well,' he said.

It was a cursory comment, Augustus knew. 'Thank you,' he said and headed towards their sparring partners to give his weapon to be put away.

Darius followed him. 'So, do you intend on declaring Livia as your chosen Lady for the tournament?'

'No. The field is left open for you.'

'Do you not find her attractive? I should think any man would, under normal circumstances.'

Augustus abruptly stopped. When he turned to face his brother, his expression was ice. 'I do find her attractive. But a girl like her isn't for me.' He almost bit the words.

Darius had a look of genuine surprise. 'Why would you say that?'

'Because. There are better deals.'

He didn't know what to say to that.

'Name one thing that I possess better than you or Dominicus? Looks perhaps? Sword skills?'

Darius remained silent. But this time his jaw was set; he looked offended. 'It doesn't matter what you possess better than us. It's...' He breathed out loudly. 'The thing is, it's up to Livia, really.'

'Yes, well. I don't see myself being chosen by someone like her. She's like a fairy princess! She deserves a prince. Or at least someone who fits the part.'

'And what if, by some chance, she doesn't want a prince? What if she wants someone who plays the lute and writes cryptic poems?'

Darius was describing him. 'As I said. There's bound to be better deals. Someone who does all that and appears like you or Dominicus. You should be glad you have one less rival without me.' Augustus resumed walking. Darius didn't.

'You know who your biggest rival is?'

His brother turned around.

'Yourself,' said Darius.

Augustus gave a wry smile to the sky. Then he walked up close to Darius and spoke quietly. 'It's fair and good that you want to go around conquering women, but excuse me for keeping out of it.'

His brother strode away from him straight after. Which was a good thing because Darius wanted to hit him.

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