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Suddenly it was as if Livia was the only person worthy of attention in the room. Heads turned to her, the guests noting the woman who stole Master Darius's heart. She again saw young gentlemen consult one another in their subtle manner, remarking on a new lady for them to survey.

She decided to be immune to everyone, instead focusing on the painting in her honour.

She was close enough to the front to see it was a beautiful work: a bridge framing water against a blazing sunset. The painting wasn't large, an arm's length at most, but exquisite. Livia wanted to see it up close.

Aaron handed her the painting while the guests broke up to chat over food and drink. She gazed at the detail of the bridge: its perfectly symmetrical arch over the rippling water, the intricate design of the bridge posts and railing. Her eyes were locked on the colours of the sunset -ribbons of orange and gold and mauve- blending flawlessly above the bridge.

'Your work is beautiful,' she said, eyes on the painting. 'It's as if you have guessed exactly what I love most about Aquaria.'

'Thank you,' said Aaron. 'Darius asked me to paint something for you and I thought perhaps a scene of the city, you know, to take with you and remind you of the place.'

'I'm glad to have such a work of art.' She didn't tell him how she was impressed that he didn't think to capture her in a painting, that his work had more meaning this way, appealing to her person than her vanity.

'I was quite pleased this opportunity came upon me.' Aaron seemed insecure about continuing but said it anyway. 'I think this is what I would rather be painting.'

Darius took a drink from his glass, raising his eyebrows over it but said nothing. He excused himself to talk to someone else. Perhaps he detected Aaron would open up more if he wasn't nearby.

'I get a little nervous sometimes around the ladies. I mean, for portraits.' Aaron's voice was getting smaller.

'I understand,' said Livia.

'And the mythical subjects in art training have not always been comfortable. You know how it is; they are always depicted in a sensual manner and all?' He looked down and fidgeted with his hands.

Livia smiled with understanding.

'I'd much rather be painting the sky. Or buildings. And maybe Herodian themes.'

'Oh, I'd love to see that. I've not seen art from Herod.'

Aaron gave a half smile. 'Verdisian art is considered more advanced.'

Her brows drew in a little. 'But it is can one be more advanced than the other?'

He was glad to hear her say it. 'Herod's art is simpler, one can say, relying more on symbols. They are less vivid, less focused on achieving realism. But it's fascinating once you study the different elements in the Herodian works. It's like a whole language.'

'Perhaps you will receive more orders for the sort of paintings you want to do, now that Darius has seen the bridge. And you could work on the art from your country.'

'I hope so.'


Darius spotted Lady Daniella and made his way to her. 'I hope your portrait was to your liking? I'm sorry I couldn't present it to you in person.'

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