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'You look lovely,' Darius told Livia.

Aaron watched as Darius kissed her hand. He greeted her without the kiss. Even after all these years with Darius's family he was awkward at the introductions. As a nobleman's companion -as a part of a respected House- he was meant to display the same manners as Darius. But as a Bound Artist, Aaron wasn't really a nobleman. He was stuck in some in-between rank. 

'Thank you. And thank you for the dress,' said Livia. Mr Phoebus had informed her mother that she was not to pay for Livia's dress for the Festival Eve. He had also made sure they received discounts for the other dresses they ordered.

'A fitting gift, I think.'

'Fitting?' Livia raised her brows.

Darius saw his accidental dressmaking pun and mirrored her smile.

Livia's eyes turned to Aaron. 'Darius told me you are to perform tonight?' 

 'Ah, yes,' he answered, masking the delight he felt at her attention on his affairs. He gave her a lightning-quick glance from head to toe. She was in a light blue silk dress, veiled with a translucent layer that split at the centre and halfway down the sleeves to reveal the blue underneath. Bands of intricate golden embroidery and tiny, faux pearls encircling Livia's waist and upper arms. Her hair, usually fastened simply, fell over her shoulder in springy coils from a high bundle. To see her in the gown he had drawn not so long ago was also delightful.

Soon Mayor Morelli and his wife took to the front of the room to welcome the guests. Instead of chairs, the guests took their seats on giant cushions draped in luxurious, delicate fabrics. Aaron followed Darius to the side where the men sat and left Livia with the women and other young ladies.

The musicians, seated at the front of the room, presented the first piece of the evening: the most popular song dedicated to the myth of Cleon and Mira, whose story was at the heart of the Love Festival.

Cleon was the young god of hunting. One day Cleon is banished to the woods by his more powerful father after the two have a disagreement. The wry, young man does not mind the lonely hunting lifestyle in the woods and tells himself he is content.

Cleon's mother, the goddess of wind and sky, notices that despite his denial he is lonely. One day, she visits him and tells him that he has a true love among the mortals. Cleon believes no one will impress him and likewise, no one will love a killjoy like him.

His mother points out he's still a skilled, wise and handsome young man and asks Cleon to choose a mortal. With the magic his mother lends him, he glimpses into the mortal realm, studies people and finds he takes a liking to a girl called Mira.

As she is chosen by a god, she's given a supernatural ability; his mother grants her the ability to read people's fortunes. When asked how they will meet and if Mira will return his feelings, Cleon's mother says that he'll need to pretend to be a mortal and go to Mira for his fortunes.

Mira is unable to see her own fortunes which is a sign that it is tied with the gods. One day when a young man seeks his fortunes, Mira sees he is really Cleon and her destined true love. Mira believes the gods are tricking her and spurns Cleon.

He meets with her in secret to tell her his story and why he is in love with her, that she would understand his respect for nature and modest living. They need to keep their meetings a secret, though, as his father isn't pleased at Cleon's potential happiness and will banish both of them. His mother informs them that they'll be safe once Mira returns Cleon's feelings.

Gradually Mira gets to know Cleon and falls in love with him, making his father's powers against them useless. Defeated, Cleon's father grants her immortality. But Cleon and Mira choose to live in the forest, away from the gods' hedonistic capital city.

As well as his previous role of hunting, Cleon becomes the protector of secret lovers from that day on.


The musicians performed another bounty of love songs, interspersed with solo performances on the flute or the lute. Two young female guests also came up to perform a song. Livia noticed several of the young men whispering surreptitiously when each lady walked up to the front, evidently enjoying their inclusion in the program. She wondered if they talked about her too, taking one of the colourful drinks that floated around. She tasted a hit of mint as the cold fruity liquid touched her tongue. She did receive a handful of enthusiastic glances throughout the evening.

When the next performer was announced, Livia found herself sitting up straight and concentrating; it was Aaron who walked up to the front, carrying a lute.

She didn't know if he would play an instrumental piece or also sing, but she gave his performance her full attention once his fingers began strumming the lute strings. Then he began singing, eyes on his instrument.

It was a romantic song she had heard before. In Aaron's voice its sweet sentiments and melody sounded delicate, precious. Until now, she had not given much thought to how she found his voice. Now that she heard his singing she realised she found it lovely. She heard his voice dip and crest over the gentle tune of the song like it was the only sound, her eyes following his fingers moving about the lute.

The last notes of the lute played slowly and the piece came to an end. As the audience clapped Aaron smiled, giving the room a quick look. When his eyes found Livia he lingered there a second before looking away and rising from his seat.

Livia discovered the next segment was the intriguing chapter of the evening where the gentlemen were to present poetry and so forth for certain ladies in the room.

A few were bold enough to include their Lady's name within their poem.

Sweet Sybella, your eyes are a constant enchantment...

Others employed wordplay to drop the name of their admiration.

...the one who stole my heart, her name written in gold upon my soul.

People turned their heads to smile at a certain Miss Aurelia at the end of that poem, her name representing 'gold' in the High Language.

Everyone else simply stated who they wrote their poem for or who they wished to dedicate it to if it was written by their Bound Artist. Livia was scandalised to discover once or twice the admired Lady was married...not to the man lavishing sweet verses upon her. Those around her seemed to take no offence.

One of the men unveiled a painting done by their family's artist. It was a painting of Dania, the goddess of song from the myths, holding a lyre. However, the woman's appearance was modelled after a young lady in the room, whom the painting was dedicated to.

Then it was Darius and Aaron who were walking up to the front of the room. Aaron held something flat wrapped in a silky paper.

'We have recently had the honour of welcoming Lord Flavius and his family into Aquaria,' Darius said. He bowed his head at Lord Flavius who returned him a nod of acknowledgement. 'I have especially had the pleasure of making the acquaintance of his daughter, Miss Livia.' He found Livia in the audience and smiled. 'It is to you that I dedicate this painting, done by our artist Aaron.'

When Darius turned to him Aaron unwrapped the paper, revealing his painting.

Aquaria: A City of Masks and WraithsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz