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Darius tugged his hood down and dropped his head for good measure as a stream of men passed him in the narrow alley. He would usually avoid seeing Xanthea in broad daylight, but this could not wait. His pushed his shoulder forward and almost walked sideways as another group of people –armed with their wares- passed him. It was getting hot under the cloak, not to mention.

The pond was behind the dilapidated villa, which he could now spot. This wasn't the quietest area, but the pond would hopefully be left alone by the people who lived around here, the working class crowd who would be going about their business in the town centre.

A group of barefooted children ran past him, making Darius slow down briefly. The villa was up ahead, its wooden doors without any polish, its stones crumbling in places. He and his friends had only discovered Back Town houses like this when they used come here to make trouble. When they were young enough that getting a good distance away from your polite neighbourhood was the height of trouble.

Darius wound his way to the pond and was glad to find it free of any loiterers. He eyed the grey-green algae skin stretched over the water surface. Xanthea wouldn't be able to touch the water and scum, exactly. Nevertheless, he didn't like the idea of summoning her in a place like this.

After a quick look-around he dropped his hood from his head and closed his eyes. By the time he opened them, a crystal sheen grew in the water until it became Xanthea.

'You have some news about Aquillus?'

Darius nodded. 'He has planned the attack ten days from today. After nightfall.'

'Yes, that is the news that Floreen has brought us.'

'One of you were there, in the Town Hall this morning?'

'Yes, of course. We must keep our eye on Aquillus.'

'I expected you would be more cautious around Aquillus. Besides, I said I would let you know anything I find out.'

Xanthea gave an amused smile. 'And I thank you for that. It's good to have the confirmation. But, we are not relying on you. I've never really...'


'Not mentioned you to the others by name. Anyhow, not that it matters. Thank you for letting me know.'

But Darius was curious. Xanthea had implied that she wasn't the only Guardian who had communications with a human. But if that was acceptable, why would she hide their meetings from her people? 'I only want you to be safe. And prepared.'

She avoided his eyes. 'I should go.'

'Are you scared?'

The question arrested her. 'The Elders are confident we'll be able to handle Aquillus.'

Darius half smiled. 'I wasn't asking the Elders. I meant, that, you can tell me how you feel. As a...friend.'

'Thank you for your concern. I feel fine. How about you –do you not have that excursion with Livia today?'

'And Cassia.' He raised an eyebrow.

'Which one is that one? Honestly, I cannot keep a track of all the women you're involved with.'

'Not "involved with". Only women to whom I have to make certain gestures.'

'Yes, yes, subtle gestures: long-term gains. It is all too complicated for me, I'm afraid.'

Aquaria: A City of Masks and WraithsWhere stories live. Discover now