Chapter 13

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(~A/N same as other~)

 "Mummy why did nanan and granddad run out and why did Aunt Evie have Daddy's phone?" Mia asked me "Daddy has got hurt so Evie rang me and nanan and Grandad has gone to him and we will wait here for them okay?" and the kids nod back "Finish eating your snacks and get back to work" "Yes mummy" They all say together. I sit back and rub my stomach "Lady Mal Princess Audrey would like to talk to you" Chips says "Can you bring her in here please" He nods and walks "Kids best behavior while Audrey is here even though you are always good" Isn't Audrey supposed to be at school "Mal" I look us and see Audrey "come in" I say and sit up. "I saw what happened with Ben." all my kids turn around and look at Audrey "Stop listening and work" I say to the kids. "Go on" I say to Audrey "I was at the Ball when Gaton 2nd happened. I was walking to break when I saw what I think was Gaston 2nd and Ben fighting. I was going to call to call you when I realised I left my phone In my locker. Somthing I never do so I ran back and got it then ran back to where I was before and Saw Evie over there with him. I was close enough to hear her say your name so I though I would come over here because I heard Ben saying you wasn't aloud out for a while." Audrey says to me "Thank you so much Audrey. His parents are with him. Do you think he will be okay?" "I think Mal. Do you want me to stay with you until someone comes?" Audrey asked "Yes please I have been on the edge with everything happening recently" I say and she smile. "how far along are you" she asked "Nearly 13 weeks" "Are you ready to do it again?" "No I mean they hardly survived on the Isle I think they only survived because of Evie and Emma" I answered

Time skip to Mal Being 38 Weeks pregnant

"Mal" Ben says quietly as he comes in our room late at night. "Please tell me you have got him" I say as I rub my Stomach "Yes he is back on the isle with the Barrier fixed" "Yes finally" I get up and kiss Ben "Ah Ben stop a minute" I say and touch my Belly. "Mal what's wrong?" Ben asked as I sit on the bed "Get your mum" I say as another pain comes. I lay down and Belle comes running in "Mal?" "I'm in Labor Belle I know it" I say "Ok I'm ringing the ambulance now Ben Is getting your bag and Adam will stay with the kids" "Ahh" "Belle I'm not ready. I can't do this" "Yes you are ready and you can do this" Belle says to me.

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