Chapter 10

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(~A/N same as the others~)

at the Ball

Mal's pov

"Mummy look what Evie made us" Mia runs over to me and says "You all look very beautiful did you say thank you to aunt Evie?" "Yes we did" Milo says "Ok go play with Eva, Evelyn and Evan" I walk over to Evie and Emma "Thanks for making the kids outfits" I say to Evie. I look at Faith and Hope. "They are beautiful" "Thanks. How do you feel about going through it again?" "nervous but I feel more secure this time." "Mal" I turn around and see Ben "Yes" "Try and eat some food" "and what if I throw up?" I ask Ben "The toilet is only next door" "Fine, Bye guys" I say and walk over to the food table and have some strawberries. "There you go you aren't throwing up now are you" "Don't push it Benny" I grab some pizza smell it and put it on Ben's plate then runs to the toilet and I clean my mouth out. I go back in the ball and stand with Ben "No more Ben" "Fair enough but lets dance" I stare at Ben as He pulls me on the dance floor "It's a good job I love you" I say and Kiss him as a slow song comes on I lean on him as we dance. "I love you too Mal" he tells me and kisses the top of my head. I yawn "Tried?" Ben asked "It's just the pregnancy your lucky that I haven't gone off at you yet" "Oh you already have" Ben says "Just shut up" He laughs and smirks "What would I do without you?" I smile and go off the floor. "Hi Adam and Belle" "Hi Mal" Then all the lights go off. "What's going on?" I ask. Someone flick the lights on and I hear lots of gasp. Me, Adam, Belle and Ben push past everyone to see what's happening. I look at Evie and Emma and they both mouth thats him. "Ben that is Mine, Evie's and Emma's kids dad" "Who are you" Ben shouts "I'm Gaston's son Gaston the Second" "get Mine and Evie's kids over here" I order Jay "I'm going to get him" Ben says "you can't take him down by yourself I tried to fight him off on the isle and I couldn't do it so you need help. Maybe ask Chad and Prince charming to help that will help them get Emma's trust and Try Uma, Harry and Gill But be ready for Gil not to because it's his brother." Ben nods and rushes off. "Come on Mal ditch that Ben and come with me" Gaston 2nd says walking closer to me as I start backing away with my arms around my belly. Adam grabs me and puts me and Belle behind him. Jay runs over with the kids and leaves them with me and Helps Ben. I see Ben get punched in the face and falls down to the floor "Ben!!!" I shout I try to go to him But Belle Hold me back "Mal no you can't go to him it it to dangerous" "please he is hurt" I beg "Adam will go over there and fight but you can't go over there"  I look at Carlos and he goes to get Doug to help get him over to me. Gil sees them struggling so he helps them hold Ben up "Thanks" I say as they run back to fight Gaston 2nd "Ben wake up" I look up at Belle to see that there is a Barrier around me and Ben "Ben wake up. Please I'm scared" "Mal?" "Ben I'm scared I don't know why their is a barrier around us" "Shh it's okay you just need to calm down" Ben says as he rubs circles on my Bump. Slowly the Barrier comes down but I notice That Mia, Miles and Milo all have powers and are using them against Gaston. Guards come rushing in and take Gaston away "Okay go get changed and go to your room" I tell the kids. "Mal you need to calm down" "Ben just go get checked out please like the others".

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