Chapter 4

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(A/n I only own characters I make)

A few Days later

Evie's pov

"Evie the Boys heard us talking about them." "Mal I'm just not ready" I say. "Listen I know this is hard believe me but If we do not tell them they will tell Ben and Doug do you want that?" I shake my head no. "Then we know what to do" I nod and open the door and let them in. I walk to my bed and sit on in. "Do you want to go first?" Mal asked me. I nod and get the photo Book out "Please don't tell anyone" I say "So you know the thing what is really common on the isle well that happened to Me I ended up having quadruplets but one of them got kidnapped so ye. Some one is looking after them on the isle for me." I say and Carlos stands up and sits next to me to pull me into a hug. I zone out till I hear my phone start to ring. I look at my phone go to the Bathroom and answer it. "Whats up ..... What do you mean she is in pain ...... Okay I'm going to get changed now ... " I get changed then leave the room. "tell her I'm running to Ben now to get her off the Isle ..... Good tell Mia, Miles and Milo to ring Dizzy to be going over then you need to go to the Backroom like we have practiced before Okay .... Ok I've got to go Tell her I will be there In about 2 Minutes." I run into Bens room "Evie calm down and tell me what?" Ben says. "So Emma who is suppost to be coming over here. well shes pregnant and is having Pains we don't know how far along she is but could do with coming over early because of it." "Okay lets go" We speed over to the isle and I run into the house. "Dizzy they are in the back sorry it has happened this early" I help her to the car and we speed off to Auradon hospital "Evie Ahhh" "Its going to be okay I promise." "We are here I will run in and get a wheelchair" Ben shouts. I open the door and help Emma out. "sit In this" Ben says and I help her in. "This way" Dr Doc says "Ahhhhh" Emma screams. Me and Ben get pushed out of the room and we hear lots of shouting. "I need to Ring Mal" I say and Ben nods "Mal ...... Yes you hear screaming ..... It's Emma ........ Dizzy ....... Well I think she is in labor ........ Yes she is I only found out a few days ago ....... Ben did now Hurry Please ......Yes thank you bye" I look In the room and see Emma crying and screaming. I mouth to her How many and she mouthed Back two. A few Minutes later I her two Babys screaming. Dr Doc comes out and lets us in. I walk over to Emma "Need Help" "Yes please" I smile and take one of them. "What are they and names. "girls both healthy called Faith and Hope".

Time skip

"I will come back tomorrow I will get my little castle ready for you and the twins okay?" "Okay thanks again" "Its no problem." I go back to the Dorms With Mal. "What did Jay and Carlos say about it when I rushed off" I asked. "Good they are going to support us" Ring ring ring I look at Mal "Kids" she says "Me too" "Hello ... Hi Baby is everything okay over there ..... I'm glad I got her for you all then ....... I love you too .... "I look at the door and Mal shrugs " Yes I know Baby ..... love you too bye" knock knock knock "come in" Mal shouts. I look at the door and see Ben and Doug walk in. I look at Mal and she looks at me. "Hey guys whats up" I say "WHATS UP? EVIE ARE YOU HAVING A LAUGH" Doug shout at me. I move back on my bed and grab my phone. "I need the toilet" I say. I give Mal a look then run in the bathroom. I start to text Jay

Jay normal bold Evie

Jay me and Mal need help with the thing they heard us saying love you too to the Kids.

Ok whats happening

They look really mad Doug has shouted at me already and Ben is shouting at Mal now

Go back out and act like you haven't text me. Me and Carlos is on our way now


"EVIE COME OUT NOW" I open the door and he points to the bed. I walk over and sit on it. "NOW TELL US YOU TWO ARE YOU CHEATING ON US" Ben shouts. I start to cry "No Evie you don't get to cry" I look at Mal and she mouths we are going to have to tell them. I grab the photo album get a photo with all out kids on and turn it round to them. "HERE OKAY WE HAVE KIDS WE WHERE TELLING OUR KIDS WE LOVE THEM TOO OKAY." I slam the book shut then me and Mal walk out. Jay and Carlos walks up to us and takes us to their room. Once we get their I break down crying. Carlos pulls me into him so I cry on his shoulder Knock knock knock "Can we come In Please" Ben says. Mal Opens the door but We both stay In Jay's and Carlos' arms. "Can we explain our self please."Doug says "1 minute go" "You see from the way we heard it sounded like you was cheating on us. If you just told us that you had Kids the kids would have been brought straight over" "But they are a secret to Everyone" "They don't Need to be." "Well we can't just leave the person who is looking after them on the isle by them self now." "Then we bring that person over. Who are the kids parents" Doug asked. I look at Mal "Same dad for all of them Including Emma's twins but no one knows who he is." Mal says

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