Chapter 9

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(~A/N same as the others~)

at breakfast the next day

Mal's pov

"Mia, Miles and Milo I need you to listen to me okay?" "Yes mummy" Milo says "You three are all going to be a big sister and big brothers. There is three little Babies In mum's Belly" "Really we are going to have little Brothers and sisters?" Miles asked "Yes maybe" I smile "We are going to get changed mummy" Mia says "Okay meet us in the room like you did yesterday" "Yes mummy" They all say together. Me, Adam, Belle and Ben all get up and walk to the family room. I reach in my bag and get the scan photo out. "We are having triplets" I say and pass them the picture. "When are you going to tell Fairy Godmother?" Adam asked.  I look at Ben. "We have decided to tell her before we go to class today then tell a few of our friends and then we normal run in to the press before we get in the limo so we will tell them then." I look at Belle and she smile

Time skip

Ben knocks on FG door and we hear a faint come in so we walk in. "Morning kids how can I help you and Mal are you feeling better" "Yes thank you" I say. I look at Ben and he nods "Fairy Godmother we acually just wanted to notify you that Mal is pregnant with triplets and that is why she was sick yesterday" Ben tells FG "That's wonderful news. How far along are you?" She asked "I'm 12 weeks" I smile "Okay so Mal come meet me here at 3rd  period go to class get your mark then come here" "Ok thank you Fairy Godmother" I say and walk to first Period with Ben

Time skip to Break time

"Morning Mal you feeling Better?" Evie asked "I need to tell everyone something When Ben comes" I say. Ben comes over with Jane, Lonnie and Doug. Ben comes over and Puts strawberries in front of me. "Is this Everyone we want to know first then?" I whisper to Ben "Should we tell Harry, Uma and Gil as well since we have gotten closer to them?" Ben asked and I nod . He goes over to them and bring them to our table. "So I am guessing Everyone is here now so what did you want to tell us Mal?" Evie asked me. I sigh and lean on Ben "I'm pregnant with triplets again" I say and Smile. "That's great news Congratulations guys" They all says. "We are going to tell the press today and then they will be a ball for it soon so Evie get making outfits" Ben says and I laugh "and to say I thought I was just getting a little fat. Evie I want a dress to show off my little bump." "On it already" "We need one of you to tell dizzy and Emma for us" Ben says as I eat my strawberries. I cover my mouth and run to the toilet to throw up "Mal" I hear Audrey say "I'm fine Audrey you can go" I say and clean my mouth. "You sure?" "Ye one of my group will be on their way soon like they always are" "Okay" she says and leaves "You okay now Mal?" Lonnie comes in and says "Ye it's just the horrible sickness what comes with being it" I say and smile ding I walk to 3rd period get registered then go to FG office "Hi Fairy Godmother" "Hi Mal sit down" I sit down opposite Her and Play with my fingers. "So i'm guessing the reason you was sick yesterday was morning sickness and tiredness" I nod "Okay so I am thinking about halfway through your pregnancy you only come in Half a day and then toward the end you and Ben can just stay at home but will have work sent there" "Yes that sound good thank you"

Time skip

"Mal, Ben can we have a word" I look at Ben and we walk over to the press. "Hi Me and Lady Mal would like to make an announcement" Ben says and I smile. "Me and Lady Mal are really happy to announce that Lady Mal is pregnant with Triplets and our heir to the throne. That will be it Thank you" Ben says and helps me in to the limo "Well I made it a full day" I say and sit back "Yes and now we need to plan a Ball" "I don't mind what it is like" "Really?" "Ye I'm not bothered" "Ok lets just say there will be a ball" "Fine by me"

Time skip a few days after, Saturday

"Evie?" "Ye, M?" "I'm really scared I mean how am I supposed to manage 6 kids?" "I know that you can do it and now you have all the help in the world." She tells me as I take the dress off "Thanks E. Is Emma and the twins coming?" I ask "Hell ye I am" Emma answers as she walks in "Good." I smile "Now you, Mal should be getting off and get ready for the Ball" Emma tells me. "Okay bye girls see you later" I pick the dress up and get in the limo. I get back at the castle and Ben gets my dress for me. "go get ready. Mia, Miles and Milo are already dressed so you don't have to worry about that" Ben says "I love you. So everyone is in the family room then?" "You got it" We kiss then I go get ready. I get my dress on then I start with my makeup Knock knock knock "Come in" I shout "Hi Mal" I look at Belle and smile "Hi Belle" I say and put my lipstick on. I start to mess with my hair "Do you need help with it?" Belle asked "Yes I don't know what to do with it" "Let me do it for you" Belle comes over and starts to do my hair. "Are you okay?" "Yes I'm just nervous if I'm being honest" I say as Belle puts a necklace on me. "There is nothing to be nervous about. Now I think that the party has already started. Adam will have take the kids in and Ben will be waiting in the family room" I stand up and look at the bump what has grown. "Thank you Belle" I hug her. She walks to the party and I walk to Ben. "Hi Florian" I say "Mal are you ready?" I kiss him and nod 

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