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The black demon snaked around (Y/N), observing him. "What brings you here?" it asked.

"Well, I don't know. I didn't think I'd make it this far," said (Y/N).

"Maybe I could take this time to..." the black figure stared into (Y/N)'s eyes. "TAKE OVER!"

The demon's mouth opened wide and devoured (Y/N), who screamed. (Y/N) was running up inside the figure's mouth, trying not to slip down and fall into its stomach.

"Not like this! Not like this!" (Y/N) shouted.

(Y/N) struggled to get out but managed to do so when he grabbed on to the tongue and climbed. He jumped out, but the demon's teeth bit into his right arm, cutting it off.

He fell on the black ground, clutching his shoulder, as the demon swallowed the arm.

The demon looked at the fallen (Y/N). "You're not making this easy!" the demon shouted.

The demon tried to eat him again, but (Y/N) fell into a deep hole that appeared.

"Tsk... Next time, you won't be so lucky..." the demon said, its voice slowly going far away.

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"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" a voice shouted.

(Y/N)'s eyes slowly opened to see Jaune and the rest of Team JNPR. "W-What? Where am I?"

"Back in our dorm. We found you passed out on the roof earlier," said Ren.

(Y/N) screamed from a sudden pain in his right shoulder. He looked and saw his arm was still there. He inspected it and saw a black sun mark on the forearm.

"Shit..." he whispered.

"Are you okay, man?" Jaune asked.

(Y/N) looked at Jaune. "Uh, yeah, yeah! A-OK!"

"Are you sure? You look like you're in pain." Pyrrha said.


"If you say so. For now, let's go do something!" said Nora.

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Team RWBY and Team JNPR, plus (Y/N), were in the library. Team RWBY was playing a board game while Team JNPR studied... Well, only one of them did.

Ren read a large book, which Nora used as a pillow to sleep. Jaune read a comic book, which was taken by Pyrrha, who gave him another book and reading the comic herself.

(Y/N) was reading a magazine when he felt pain from his right arm. He held the arm when it started shaking violently. The arm raised itself and slammed down on the table, grabbing everyone's attention.

"Sorry about that... I-I gotta go to the restroom real quick," said (Y/N).

He ran out of the library, clutching his right arm. Everyone just stared before continuing what they were doing. He ran inside the restroom and looked at himself in the mirror. He raised his right arm and saw the black mark slowly growing.

"Dangit. It got bigger than it was yesterday. Maybe doing that was a big mistake," he said to himself.

He slapped himself before walking back to the library, continuing to read the magazine and ignoring anything that happened after.

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It was night. (Y/N) stood in the rooftop where he fell. He looked at his arm and saw the mark still growing.

"How am I going to deal with this?" he asked himself.

(Y/N) kept looking at his arm when it suddenly turned completely black and started acting violently.

"Stop!" (Y/N) shouted.

He struggled to stop it as it grabbed his sword from inside his grimoire. The arm pointed the sword at (Y/N).

"I'll just have to kill you!" the demon's voice shouted.

The world around (Y/N) shattered and formed into a dark world. The sky was blood red, and the ground was black. The demon pushed the sword into (Y/N)'s chest, and (Y/N) woke up screaming.

(Y/N) sat up on his bed and looked around the dorm room, breathing heavily. His teammates were still asleep, and the sun was just poking out of the horizon. He sighed and saw the mark on his arm was slightly larger than before.

"Hopefully, this holds out until I figure out how to deal with the demon. Which is probably gonna take a long time..." (Y/N) said.

(Y/N) got dressed in a black sweater and pants before leaving the dorm with his grimoire. He walked fast and accidentally bumped into a dark-haired woman, who was followed by a boy with gray hair and a girl with green hair.

(Y/N) stepped back. "Sorry about that. I'm in a hurry."

As (Y/N) walked past her, a black spark shocked the woman's arm. She hissed and saw her arm had an orange glow. The woman looked at (Y/N), shrinking in the distance.

"Cinder? Is something wrong?" the girl with green hair asked.

The woman, Cinder, looked at the girl and smiled. "It's nothing. Let's go."

RWBY x Male! Reader: In Another WorldWhere stories live. Discover now