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 Weiss stood ready, waiting for whatever was inside the cage to come out.

"Alright! Let the match begin!" Port chopped the lock off the cage.

The cage door fell, revealing a Boarbatusk, a boar Grimm. The fight commenced, and (Y/N) watched Weiss fight with a bit of trouble. Ruby tried helping, only to be shouted at by Weiss.

"I kinda get why some people didn't like Weiss at first now. She's a bitch." (Y/N) thought.

After a bit of struggling and briefly losing her weapon, she managed to kill the Boarbatusk.

"Bravo! Bravo! It appears we are indeed in the presence of a true Huntress-in-training!" Port looked at his watch. "I'm afraid that's all the time we have for today. Be sure to cover the assigned readings, and stay vigilant! Class dismissed!"

Weiss leaves the classroom. (Y/N) rolled his eyes before closing his grimoire and leaving the room.

═ ═ ═ ═ ═

Time passed, and the rest of the classes were over. Everyone was eating their dinner, while (Y/N) didn't. He was on the rooftop of the dormitory building, swinging his sword around.

"Take this!" he shouted.

He slashed at the air, only to lose his footing and fall on his rear, dropping his greatsword.

"Man, I'm a terrible swordsman. It's a miracle I survived the initiation," he mumbled.

"Maybe." a voice said.

(Y/N) jumped, grabbing his greatsword and pointing it towards the voice. He was startled to see it was Professor Ozpin himself.

"I was curious as to who was screaming when I was looking through surveillance," he said. "So, why haven't you joined your teammates at dinner?"

"I'm just practicing. I'm a newbie in using swords, so I'm trying to teach myself," (Y/N) replied. "I'll eat dinner later."

"Understandable. But maybe you should find someone to teach you. You already know someone who can."

Ozpin left him (Y/N) alone, who wondered if there was anyone who could teach him. His thoughts were stopped when his stomach grumbled.

"Yeah, maybe I should eat," he said. "Can't wait to sleep in my new bed tomorrow too!"

═ ═ ═ ═ ═

(Y/N) watched in sympathy as Jaune was getting beaten by Cardin Winchester on the platform. Jaune made attempts to strike back, only to be put down over and over. Jaune shouted as he tried one last slash, only to be blocked by Cardin's mace.

"This is the part where you lose," Cardin said.

"Over my dead—" Jaune was cut off by Cardin, kneeing him.

Jaune fell down, curled up as he held his sword. Cardin was about to slam his mace down until Professor Glynda stopped the match.

"Cardin, that's enough," Glynda said.

Cardin went off to the side as Jaune was still on the floor.

"Students, as you can see, Mr. Arc's Aura has now dropped into the red. In a tournament style duel, this would indicate that Jaune is no longer fit for battle and that the official may call the match."

(Y/N) clapped his hands together. "Bless you, Jaune," he mumbled.

Glynda looked at Jaune. "Mr. Arc, it's been weeks now. Please try to refer to your scroll during combat. Gauging your Aura will help you to decide when it is appropriate to attack, or when it's better to move to a more... defensive strategy."

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