"It's not safe here. We have to go back to the Institute right now." Alec said, looking around the place with a warry expression, but Sam wouldn't give up, so she turned to him with a cross face, "No, no. We're not giving up. What about my memories? Is there any way I can get them back?"

Jace tilted his head. He shrugged, "There's another option."

Izzy's and Alec's seemed to bug out when they realized what Jace was hinting at "Don't even-" "Absolutely not." They said at the same time

"I'm not afraid of the Silent Brothers."

"Who are the Silent Brothers?" Sam questioned, her eyebrows knitted together, she'd never heard that name before, but then again, she had never heard half the things she just discovered today earlier.

"They're Shadowhunters with superior powers."

"Who possesses the ability to recover memories." 

"A process that can also kill you, so there's that." Alec finished his friends' explanation, his eyes glazed as he stared at the blonde. Simon scowled, "Your bedside manner is abysmal."

Alec rolled his eyes, he turned to Jace, his face dead serious, "We've broken at least 18 Clave rules, and now you want to go to the City of Bones? There's no way. I won't allow it."

Sam stayed silent, thinking over what she'd do. The silent brothers were probably her only chance to recover her memories. It seemed to be her choice cause, after all, the brothers would reach into her min, not anyone else's.

So her face was resolved as she spoke, "Actually, this is my choice to make, not any of yours plus, if there's anyone of you who can tell me a way to recover my memories and get answers, I'm listening."

The Shadowhunters looked at each other, neither one of them saying anything. She nodded with a shrug, "That settles it, doesn't it?"

Jace's eyes twinkled with approval. He spun to look at Alec, "See? I told you she's one of us."

Simon drove his van with the Shadowhunter's crammed in the backseat. According to Jace's directions, they reached the City of Bones, which was pretty much a place under a bridge. Once they got out of the van, Simon looked around, startled, "Yeah, this place isn't creepy. Not at all."

"I know this place." Sam smiled broadly, a silly nostalgic smile playing on her lips, Alec's face creased, turning to the blonde sideways, "You do?"

"Yeah, Sky and I used to ditch school and make out under that bridge." She explained; Alec rolled his eyes with a scoff before walking in front of the blonde, who didn't know what his problem was.

"You had a boyfriend named Sky?" Jace wondered with raised eyebrows, his face expressionless.

Sam's eyebrows knitted together before a smile crept on her face, "Who said anything about a boy." Alec's head snapped at the blonde, who gave him a shrug. He eyed her carefully before looking at Jace, whose eyes bugged out before composing himself.

"Yeah, I remember. Mom never approved of her." Clary said, now walking beside her sister while Izzy and Simon trailed behind them and Jace and Alec in front of them. Sam grinned, "Mom never approved of anyone."

Sky was probably the only real relationship Sam would ever count. She remembers falling in love with the girl's blue hair, adorable smile, and passion for adventure. The blonde was so confident in her sexuality that she never questioned herself when her lips settled on the girl's ones. She didn't know if it was love or not, but it was definitely an intense feeling.

Sam was a teenager back then, and you know what they say about relationships at that age, you experience things for the first time, and it doesn't really count. She remembered that when the two broke up, it was mutual. Both of them were going to different universities, and neither was big on long-distance relationships.

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