
Start from the beginning

"I know I be mean to you and stuff but I can't stand people that don't know what they doing but you actually good at what you do even if you improvising." She looked at me and stared at me she lacked real expressions which was odd to me.

"Your like a robot I can't tell what you feel." I said and she furrowed her eyebrows before her face went back emotionless.

"Why do you do that?" I asked she continued to stare in confusion so I spoke again.

"Why do you lack certain emotions and facials?" She thought about the question before answering.

"I had a strict household in Saudi and when I present emotions or facials that my family disliked I got disciplined for it eventually I think I started lacking emotions I'm sorry if this makes you uncomfortable." She explained and I nodded.

"I always wondered and sorry if this makes you uncomfortable but is it true when y'all like 8 years old y'all get engaged to old people?" I asked she didn't look offended if anything she looked bored.

"Honestly I grew up with that type of family everyone in my family started at a young age except me I had to leave the system that my family wanted to repeat I myself was engaged at sixteen to a boy who was twenty I will admit I didn't object because I grew to like him until he wanted sex and instead of waiting him being the man and my fiancé he took what he wanted." She said I looked at her with remorse no girl deserved rape.

"I honestly can't really look at men the same I understand I'm attractive to most men but whatever happened to getting to know a guy why does it always half to be about sex when men see me." She said finally showing an emotion and although it was frustration it was cool to see her as a human rather than a robot.

"I got another question they call you a princess why?" I asked my friends stalked her page and I mean stalked down to the bone.

"Technically I'm not a royal or anything but my father owns a great deal of oil that is provided to America he's the King of the oil supply in our nation and my mother used to be Miss Universe ever since they crowned her Queen of beauty in Saudi when they had me I was the talk of the nation and they crowed me princess of Saudi for my smarts and beauty." I nodded my head understanding.

"So if you had money and the title why move here?" I asked she smiled looking at me.

"Technically you were my excuse to leave I wanted to got to America but you looking for a physical therapist made it an even better excuse to leave. I didn't care about money or titles in Arabia I cared about women respect and burgers by the way does the bar have American burgers I want to try one of those?" I laughed at her I always forget how foreign her voice is it was naïve yet beautiful to me.

"Yes they have American burgers it is America after all." I said she laughed realizing how slow she sounded.

"So what got you into Physical therapy?" I asked her.

"A Queen Latiffah and Common movie it's called Just wright." I smiled.

"Yoo that's the movie kid I got into the whole basketball thing cuz of that movie I watched it one day In high school the next day tried out for the basketball team and got straight to it." She giggled at my boyish tone.

"I know it's crazy but I wanted to be like Queen and fall in love with not only my job but a man I know that unreal and fairytale like but I wanted this job for that reason I worked hard everyday to get on that level of professional thank the lord you needed a therapist I mean I guess it's a plus seeing your fine ass team almost everyday." She said I laughed at her blunt mentality.

"Ion think you unrealistic the movie honestly inspires only the best crowd and I guess you apart of that crowd and shit my whole team for some reason think you fine so you like them trust me they like you." She smiled blushing a little.

"Well at least we both got on common ground so now we won't fight and argue as much in the house." I said she nodded looking out the car window seeing that we were here.

"The media people are here again." she said pointed at people taking pictures of the car.

"It's gonna be like that wherever you go with me can you handle that?" I asked she shook her head no.

"I might have a panic attack if we're being honest and I really don't like being crowded and touched." She admitted. I could understand why she would have anxiety based on what she told me about her past.

"I'll have my bodyguard surround the both of us so we don't get touched or bombarded." She nodded her head and my bodyguards immediately opened the card door and surrounded the both of us so we weren't touched or harassed and once we were inside she immediately ordered burgers and fries.

"Oh what's your most delicious American cocktail I'd like to try one of those." She said the bartender looked at her like she was crazy before I spoke.

"Dayton she's from Saudi Arabia it's like her first week in America just give her a Pink Panther oasis for now." Dayton nodded his head and started mixing up drinks behind the bar while Shy devoured her first American burger.

"These are good." She said stuffing her face and licking her fingers.

"Dayton these a super good." She said with ketchup on her upper lip.

"She's such a Healthy food advisor so this is a great compliment Day." I said to him he chuckled nodding his head handing her her pink panther drink.

When she sipped it I thought she would take a second to adjust to the liquor but she was gulping it down to the latest mark before letting out a satisfied gasp.

"That's also delicious was that Daiquiri and pink lemonade mix with strawberry flavored wine?" She asked Dayton who looked shocked that she guessed all that.

"I used to be a bartender in Saudi I drunk almost every drink so I know most ingredients." She spoke smiling it was fun to see her in different environments because she acted different in each one.

"There's a position on weekends at night you think you'd be interested in working here?" Dayton asked.

"I can help out here and there and make some new drinks but as far as a job and get paid it's a no I have to help him out with his leg and stuff but it sure would be fun to swing by on the weekends and help make a few drinks." She spoke

Dayton and her spoke for a few hours before she decided we should get home so she could cook dinner and sleep.

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