"George," She heard Alicia whisper loudly.

"Thank you, Miss Malfoy. You may go back to your seat."

She nodded her head and rushed back to her spot. She felt very sick to her stomach as her former friends whispered to each other. Little did she know, that small detail helped them realize she wasn't fully brainwashed over the summer and back to being cold. Their friend was still there, just trapped.

She couldn't wait for the class to end. She tried her best to avoid Terence who wanted to ask about the farm. She just made up a lie that she wants a farm. It made him laugh and she got a chance to escape.

"A farm?" Zoe cackled. "Malfoy wishes to be a poor Weasley!"

"Watch it, Zoe!" Lyra found herself snap. The corridor went silent. "The only thing you'd smell would be your bitterness. I'm sorry I have depth while you're shallow."

"I'm shallow? At least I'm not a filthy blood traitor."

"Then what are you? Rumor has it you sucked a muggle-born's cock."

Her face turned bright red and lunged at Lyra, but thankfully Theo caught his obnoxious sister.

"You filthy blood traiting cocksucker!" She growled viciously. "You're lucky your father is Lucius, or I'd destroy you!"

She just walked away from the Notts, sick of them. She went to her next class and tried to get through it.

She sat during her free period and started her work. This year was filled with even more pressure. Each professor decided to overload their students. Lyra was immersed into her work that she hadn't noticed her old mates looking at her. Once again, she took her hand out as she was taking notes.

Lyra didn't feel anything but crippling loneliness. She was reminded how alone she was when she saw everyone else hugging and gossiping with their friends while she sat alone. She knew it was better this way. That way there was no way anyone could use anything against her. Her hand ached again. The reminder was hard to ignore.

The next day, Lyra got an owl from her mother. She had no ambition to open it. She just tossed it into the fire behind her. She felt a lump form in her throat at the sight of the various sweets her mother packed, including tights and a new pair of shoes. All to make up for the abuse. She gave her sweets away, unable to feel an appetite to eat them.

She hated how Draco looked so happy with his friends. They laughed over Harry Potter and how miserable his year was going to be. At least he had three friends that stuck with him. Lyra was all alone.

She entered Defense against the dark arts and saw the room turned pink and girly, it wasn't necessarily a bad thing, it was just vomit-inducing when it's tied to the toad. Lyra sat with Terence Higgs again. He seemed like the only person who would let her sit near him.

Professor Umbridge had on that fake smile. She looked at Lyra as if they were old friends, she forced a smile, but it was hard. She awkwardly played with the hardcover of the class book.

"Well now, your teaching in this subject has been rather disrupted and fragmented, hasn’t it? The constant changing of teachers, many of whom do not seem to have followed any Ministry-approved curriculum, has unfortunately resulted in your being far below the standard we would expect to see in you sith years." Professor Umbridge greeted the settled class. It was all new to Lyra that she was under the standard. She was a hard working student and this news caused her to feel very sick. "You will be pleased to know, however, that these problems are now to be rectified. We will be following a carefully structured, theory-centred, Ministry-approved course of defensive magic this year. There will be no need for your wands-"

"Excuse me, no wands?" A Gryffindor questioned.

"Raise your hand." She hissed as she tried to stay together. "But no, it could be quite dangerous and you have nothing to fear. No one will be trying to harm you." Lyra shifted in her chair. She raised her hand. Umbridge gave her a sickly sweet smile. "Miss Malfoy, yes dear?"

"W-What about dark wizards? There's plenty lurking in Knockturn alley-"

"You'd know about that, would you, Malfoy?" She heard a Gryffindor scoff behind her.

"Do not interrupt. Ten points from Gryffindor." Umbridge announced. "To answer you, Miss Malfoy. "You mustn't be worried about a dark wizard. Many are already caught."

"What?" Lyra questioned. "What about students who want to be Aurors, surely this class should show them how to handle them and me- I want to be a healer, I should be able to know the counter-curses and spells-"

"That's enough Miss Malfoy. There's no need to alarm anyone. And I doubt you'll be a healer. Your father wouldn't allow such a thing." Lyra wanted to tear that woman apart. She was clenching her jaw and fist until her knuckles turned white.

She moved on with the class and had students open their textbooks and read and answer questions she had handed out. Lyra didn't want a worksheet, she wanted to know how to protect herself! But nonetheless, she did the work bitterly.

How dare she tell Lyra she can't be a healer, who did she think she was? That bitch! Lyra was glad to leave that forsaken room. She stormed away to the great hall to study.

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