1.Momo Yaoyorozu
2.Bakugo Katsuki
3.Shoto Todaroki
4.Ocacho Uraraka
5.Iida Tenya
6.Denkai Kaminari
7.Mina Ashido
8.Fumikage Tokoyami
9.Koji Koda
10.Tsuyu Asui
11.Tour Hagakure
12.Mashirao Ojiro
13.Eijiro Kirishima
14.Rikido Sato
15.Yuga Aoyama
16.Kyoka Jirou
17.Mezo Shoji
18.Hanata Sero
19.Minrou Mineta

"IM'MM EXPELLED"-Mineta yelled while going black and white.

"No your not I said that so everyone can go beyond your limits and you proved you can so lets get out the field the other class are gonna be here go home I have to spectate the other"-The man in yellow said while the class was in shock and Mineta was screaming in victory.

The class left to return home while The Man in yellow walked up to where Midoriya and Mei are at.

"You two are the only ones to pass, what's wrong with this world"-The man in yellow said.

"Yep, name is Izuku Midoriya and you"-Izuku said.

"Aizawa"-He said.

"What a minute....... HOLY SHIT YOUR ERASERHEAD"-Izuku said in his fanboy state, while Aizawa was shocked.

"H-H-How did you hear about me"-Aizawa stated.

"I got knowledge about underground heroes and I understand they want their privacy and I'm sure you have your reasons"-Izuku said with a smile.

"This kid, if he knows me then why is this kid in the support section, I'm not the one to judge though"-Aizawa thought in his head.

"Hey kid, what's your quirk"-Aizawa asked.

But right around Izuku was gonna say that he was quirkless , Class B entered the beach and began their quirk assessment, later them class C entered while Class B homeroom teacher Vlad King was walking to where Izuku and the others where.

"Yo, what have yall been up too"-Vlad King stated.

"VLAD KING THE BLOOD HERO"-Izuku said while I'm his fanboy mode while Aizawa was rolling his eyes and Vlad King introduce himself.

"What's your name kiddo"-he asked.

"Izuku Midoriya"-he said.

"What's your quirk Midoriya"-Vlad King said while Aizawa was listening in but when he was about to speak Class C started their quirk assessment test and Izuku was absorbed in it taking notes about their weaknesses and strengths.

They finished and now it was Power loaders classes turn and Aizawa and Vlad King stayed for them to watch while the other teachers took notice they stayed too.

"Izuku throw this ball"-Power loader said.

"Ok but Mei can you step back please"-Izuku asked while she nodded and went back .

Izuku threw the ball and it caused a small shockwave that even the teachers felt.

"Izuku I thought you were quirkless"-Power loader said but far away that the other teachers didn't hear what he said.

"I am, that was just my strength can I take off these clothes they are kinda of in the way. Power Loader nodded while his eyes widened when he saw Izuku toned body, Mei had a little nosebleed while the teachers that were watching after saw him and their eyes widened as well but the saw the scars he had and they were wondering what did that boy went through.

Izuku was absorbed that he forgot to cover his scars and Mei got his attention.

"Brother Izuku what are these scars"-Mei asked horrified of the scars.

"Ummmmmm, I'll explain in a different time but for now let's give it our Plus Ultra"-Izuku stated.

"Promise me too tell me"-Mei demanded while Power Loader joined in too.

"I would like to know as well"-Power loader said also.

"Alright, Alright but I'll tell you when the, time is right for now let's get this over with.
They nodded with agreement.

Izuku did the the pace test and he was half way close to beating Iida Tenya with a score of 2.5 seconds while Izuku had 4.5 second.

He had the grip machine while the highest was Sato's score he destroyed the grip machine.

Next was the side jumps where Mineta stole the spotlight and had around 4000 in a minute, Izuku then easily did half that with a total of 2900 in a minute.

The teachers were in shock that a student in the support class had easily closed in their students.

They wanted to know his quirk badly.

"Izuku we're done here let's wrap it up"-Power Loader said but the teachers were walking up to Izuku.

"What is your quirk"-Aizawa asked.

Izuku grabbed his uniform and walked towards the exit while turning around to speak and the teachers were eager to hear his quirk.

"I'm Quirkless, I don't have a quirk"-Izuku said with a smile and then walked back into the building and changed to go back home.

The Teachers were shocked and they turned to Power Loader for answers.

"Power Loader I know you got his quirk what is it spill it"-Vlad King demanded while Power Loader sat down knowing he can't escape.

"It's just like the boy said, he quirkless, he doesn't have a damn quirk"-Power Loader said.

"That's impossible no way a boy with no quirk closed in 1-A, with the best quirks and record"-said the homeroom teacher of 1-F.

"Its possible"Aizawa said.

"Explain"-One of the teacher demanded.

"I tried to erase his quirk but it had no effect and those scars from earlier, it might be the treatment when growing up quirkless, to think the boy would have to go through such a painful path early in his life"-Aizawa said while giving a painful expression.

"I-I-I see, it's amazing that the boy is smiling now, this boy has a heart of a hero, but why is he in the support class"-Vlad King said.

"It's because he didn't have a quirk, the rules apply to him too, it don't matter if you have a heart of a hero, only those with strong quirks become heroes and that is what this world is coming too, Izuku said he wanted to prove himself and so he asked to be in the support class and I quote"I'll be at the bottom of the pit and I'll rise above everyone else, I will never Surrender to their ideals" and quote Izuku Midoriya said a few days ago those words, it moved my heart a bit knowing a man like him exist fighting against the world and no one to help him but I get a feeling he isn't alone all the time"-Power Loader explained.

"This boy, it's a shame he isn't on the hero course but I do know a way for him to enter it"-Aizawa said.

"Yes the Sports Festival"-Vlad King said.

"Izuku Midoriya, I'll remember that name"-Aizawa thought as the other teachers thought the same thing and went home for the day.

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