Chapter 15.

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It was a Friday morning and Cheryl and Nadine were led in bed with Nadine's head resting on Cheryl's chest and Cheryl gently stroking her hair, they had a very rare day off and they had just found out their latest album had gone in straight at number 1, "can you believe we've got another number 1 album?" Nadine piped up with a little smirk on her face looking up to Cheryl "with your killer vocals babe even the impossible is possible" Cheryl replied with a wink as she continued to stroke Nadine's perfectly soft conditioned hair before patting her on her bare stomach "we best get up babe we've got the girls coming soon to look at bridesmaids dresses" she said as she jumped out of bed, "I've never known anyone work together 24/7 then actually want to hang out as well on days off.. until I met us lot" Nadine replied with a slight rolled eye and giggle following Cheryl out of bed and wrapping her arms around her waist "me on the other hand I was hoping to have you all to myself today" Nadine continued with a little groan as she placed kisses softly along Cheryl's collarbone, Cheryl's body was covered in goosebumps the minute Nadine's lips touched her body "mhmm I'll make it upto you later I promise" she groaned quietly, "I'll hold you to that" Nadine replied with a slight wink giving Cheryl's ass a little slap before heading into the shower as Cheryl went downstairs to make breakfast.

40 minutes later Nadine made her way downstairs the smell of food cooking making her stomach rumble even more "oh my god that smells so good" she shrieked as she entered the kitchen before stopping in her tracks taking in how much food Cheryl had actually cooked "er babe, I know I'm starving but you do realise there is only 5 of us right? not 500" she questioned with a raised eyebrow, Cheryl stopped what she was doing and turned to face Nadine "yes I know but I don't know how hungry trying on bridesmaids dresses can make people do you?" she answered back squeezing past to get some salt giving Nadine a quick kiss on the cheek as she walked by, Nadine folded her arms bemused at how intensely Cheryl was taking this "no I don't know but I do know I only want to find out once... you're it for life now hope you know that tweedy" she raised her voice so Cheryl could hear her as she made her way into the living room to tidy up "sounds good to me coyle" Cheryl shouted back receiving a little giggle from Nadine as she started to sort out the pillows on the sofa. After around 10 minutes as she was doing the hoovering Nadine was interrupted by the doll bell "I'll get it" she shouted through to the kitchen so Cheryl could continue to cook her food for what seemed like the army, she quickly hurried to put the hoover away and made her way towards the front door swinging it open with a giant smile on her face "morning gorgeous ones" she beamed letting the girls in one by one, the girls all greeted each other with hugs and kisses before Sarah's brain turned towards something else "mhmm that smells incredible" she exclaimed "who's cooking?" "Cheryl, I think she thinks that we're having the army over honestly she's made so much food" the Irish girl replied to the blonde making them both laugh "come on in make yourself comfy Cheryl will be in, in a minute" Nadine said leading the girls into the living room.

After 2 hours of trying on different dresses and countless glasses of wine all 5 girls were more than a little tipsy, "I still can't believe you two are getting married" Sarah squealed excitedly as Nicola butted in "I know me either like who would of thought it, back when the band was first put together literally every man and his dog thought you two were enemies I for one didn't see you in a million years ever falling in love with each other but here we are" she smiled warmly, "I'm so happy for you both" Kim slurred as a burp escaped her mouth which she quickly covered up with her hand in shock as the others fell into laughter "you can tell which one of us barley drinks" Cheryl laughed while patting Kimberley on the knee, "aye the rest of us can always get buck wild" Nadine replied as she reached for her 4th sausage roll she was extremely thankful now that Cheryl had made so much food, she was tipsy but she wanted to remain sober enough to actually remember this day after all the lead up to your special day is just as amazing as the actual day. Cheryl jumped off the sofa to grab the last remaining dresses "okay girls come on we've gone off track here just two more each to try on then I think it's best we call it a night before yous end up doing something really dramatic" she flung the dresses at the girls as they dragged themselves off the sofa to go put one of them on, it had been around 5 minutes when a shirk from Nicola made all the girls jump even Nadine and Cheryl who were snuggled up on the sofa waiting for the others to come back in, "everything alright out there" Nadine shouted with concern, "urrrm" Nicola replied sheepishly which made Nadine raise an eyebrow "urmm what?" she answered back and then she heard the sound of sobs coming from the other room, becoming really concerned she dragged Cheryl off the sofa by her arm leading her to where Nicola was "what's wrong? why you crying? don't you like it?" Cheryl asked confused to as why the ginger haired girl was nearly in hysterics, "no I love it... but" Nicola slowly turned around "I ripped it while putting it on" she replied through her tears as both Cheryl and Nadine took a sigh of relief "babe don't worry about it we can pay to have it mended it's honestly no big deal jesus we thought something terrible had happened" Cheryl put a reassuring hand on Nicolas shoulder, "something terrible did happen I ripped the damn dress" Nicola argued back clearly way over her alcohol tolerance limit being the baby of the group she never handled her drink well, "yes a rip that we can fix it's nothing major honestly nic don't worry about it" Nadine tried reassuring her as well before glancing over to Cheryl and instantly knowing she was thinking the same thing as her, "I think we should call it a night eh.. you need some sleep but honestly please don't worry about it" Cheryl said once more as she put her arm around Nicola and led her back into the living room as Nadine went to let the other girls know what was going on, it was half an hour later before the 3 girls were finished packing up their stuff and heading out the door "thanks for a great night girls I can't wait to do more planning malarkey" Kimberley said genuinely so excited at the thought of her 2 best friends wedding day, she hugged them both before helping Nicola and Sarah into the car and giving one last wave to Cheryl and Nadine before they closed the door.

Nadine flopped down on the sofa letting out a rather loud groan "what a night" she giggled looking up at Cheryl "suppose we better start tidying up" she went to get up but felt herself being pushed back down by Cheryl, before she knew it Cheryl was full on straddling her "nu huh no tidying that can wait until tomorrow" she whispered seductively into Nadine's ear before gently biting down on her lobe, full on electric waves shook through Nadine's body to this day it never failed to amaze her just how turned on Cheryl could make her from a single gesture "you can't even wait until we get upstairs" she mumbled through quiet moans by this time Cheryl had worked her way down to her neck with one hand undoing the button on her jeans, Cheryl just shook her head in response "no I promised this morning I'd make it up to you and that's what I'm gonna do" she slowly ran her finger along the rim of Nadine's underwear she could tell Nadine was desperate for it by the way her back arched every time she got even the slightest bit nearer to the place Nadine wanted her the most,  "if you're gonna do it please could you hurry up babe I ain't got all day and as you can tell I'm more than ready for it" without hesitation Cheryl slipped two fingers into Nadine making sure she hit her sensitive spot every time, Nadine threw her head back letting out a loud groan god this woman was good, no time had passed at all before Nadine was fully riding Cheryl's fingers recovering from her first orgasm and well on the way to her second, after what felt like hours of swapping roles and countless orgasms the two girls were led breathless and sweaty on the floor god knows how long they had been at it they lost track of time but one things for sure their neighbours wouldn't be forgetting their names anytime soon. Cheryl led on her side holding herself up by her elbow looking down at Nadine she stroked the hair out of her face "you're so beautiful" she whispered with a warm smile "honestly I can not wait to be able to call you my wife" even hearing Cheryl say the word wife sent butterflies through Nadine's stomach as she lifted her arm to cup Cheryl's face with her hand "it's all I ever wanted from the moment we first met" she replied pulling Cheryl down on top of her "mhmm that makes two of us" Cheryl whispered tiredly as the two fiancées soon to be wives fell into a blissful sleep holding each other tightly.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Sep 26, 2020 ⏰

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Cheradine - You Can't Mistake Our...Chemistry.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang