Chapter 9.

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Cheryl went to walk out the door to try and find Nadine she was quite glad the camera crew had packed up for the night she was originally so excited for this but now she wasn't too sure "oh" she groaned turning back around and holding out her hand "pass me the paper Kim I need to take it in case she doesn't believe me I mean who would blame her" Kimberley stands up and hands her the paper "good luck" she rubbed Cheryl's arm as Cheryl just looked at her with desperation in her eyes "I can't lose her Kimberley.. I can't" Kimberley pulled her in for a hug her best friend had really fallen hard, she's beyond angry at how Cheryl handled the situation but at the same time she hated seeing her like this "you won't..." she whispers in her ear as Cheryl locks eyes on her "how do you know? after what I've done I'll be surprised if she can even handle being in the same room as me" Cheryl questioned as Kimberley put both her hands on both of Cheryl's shoulders "just tell her the truth and apologise but whatever you do, do not make up excuses for your actions... cause there is none" Kimberley said sternly "I don't know if that was a pep talk or a telling off" Cheryl said while raising her eyebrow, "bit of both... now go get your girl" Kimberley tapped Cheryl's bum sending her out the door.

Nicola had finally persuaded Nadine to come back inside, "right sit there I'll grab us some coffees" she says pulling out the chair for Nadine "okay" Nadine said quietly as Nicola went to turn around "Nic... thankyou" Nadine continued Nicola just shooting her a warm smile before heading off to get the coffees. Nadine just sat with her head down twiddling her thumbs when she heard a faint voice "Nadine.." Nadine knew straight away who the voice belonged too, "leave me alone Cheryl" she said still not looking up "please... I just need to explain" she continued walking forward ignoring Nadine, "what do you think you're doing" Nicola had returned with the coffees making Cheryl turn around "Nicola.." Cheryl went to talk but was cut off by Nicola "save it Cheryl I already know.. have you seen what you've done too her? have you?" she says with a raised voice as she goes to show her Nadine's wrists "leave it Nic" Nadine pulled her arms away "it's fine... can you just give us a minute" Nadine asked finally looking up from the table and towards Nicola, "you sure?" Nicola questioned as Nadine just nods "yeah.. I'll be fine but thankyou for staying with me" Nicola just smiles and nods putting the coffee's down on the table "I guess you can have that one" she scoffs towards Cheryl before turning back to face Nadine "you know where I am if you need me" she reassures Nadine before leaving them be.

Cheryl sits down opposite Nadine and goes to hold her hands before Nadine pulls them away, "what did Nicola mean by do I know what I've done to you?" Cheryl asks Nadine "nothing" Nadine mutters "tell me.." Cheryl continues "please" Nadine just sighs rolling up her sleeves to reveal the bruising on her wrists as Cheryl just sits there looking at them in shock "I did that..." she whimpers as her eyes began filling with tears yet again "mhmm" Nadine just nodded "I'm so sorry babe.." Cheryl went to say before Nadine cut her off "don't call me that, not now" "what you saying?" Cheryl looks at her nervously "we're over?.. please don't say that.." Cheryl started to ramble "Cheryl" Nadine tried to talk as Cheryl just kept on "I need you Nadine.. I love you more than anything on this earth.. I'm so sorry for what I did too you" "CHERYL" Nadine said again this time much louder managing to get Cheryl's attention "it won't happen again I promise" Cheryl finishes off before letting Nadine speak "I'm not saying we're over, I need time.. I need to understand why you did this, I've never seen this side of you and it scared the shit out of me" Cheryl puts the newspaper down on the table "I was trying to protect you, but I ended up hurting you more than this probably will and I'll never forgive myself for it" Nadine just picked up the paper reading the title then putting it straight back down before facing Cheryl for the first time since the incident "you should know things like this don't get to me anymore, I'm used to it.. why didn't you just tell me?" She looked into her eyes those chocolate brown eyes always made her melt and she knew she couldn't stay angry at her for long "I don't know I honestly don't know" Cheryl replied looking down as she felt Nadine's hand on top of hers "what does this mean?" She asks looking back up at Nadine "it means I love you but it also means this can never happen again because if it does we're done I mean it Cheryl... for good" Cheryl begins to feel tears rolling down her cheek "it won't I promise... I don't deserve you" Nadine laughs a little the events of earlier moving to the back of her mind "yeah well I'm not gonna find anyone else that's as fit as you am I so you're stuck with me..." "come here" Nadine whispers as she pulls Cheryl in giving her a soft kiss as she notices the other girl's stood behind them with their hands on their hearts "alright shows over" Nadine groans before taking Cheryl's hand and walking over to them, "so..everything good?" both Kimberley and Nicola said at the same time "we'll be fine.." Nadine says looking at Cheryl "as long as this one behaves herself" she giggles while squeezing her hand, Cheryl just smiled realising just how lucky she was, she had the most gorgeous,kindest, most forgiving woman who loved her and she loved her, that was it she wasn't gonna do anything else that could possibly jeopardise this relationship and ultimately her happiness.

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