Chapter 4.

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Later that morning 2 cars arrived outside the hotel to take the girls home, one for Kimberley Sarah and Nicola and because they were going back to Cheryl's house one for Cheryl and Nadine, "this ones ours babe" Cheryl said while grabbing Nadine's arm "what.. oh okay" Nadine stuttered not really paying attention "see you tomorrow girls" she shouted out as they all said their goodbyes, Cheryl jumps in the back of the car behind Nadine giving her ass a little tap as she does there was something about Nadine in leather trousers that really turned Cheryl on, as they drove away Cheryl ran her hand up and down Nadine's leg as Nadine just turned to smile at her not thinking anything of it, Cheryl lent over "so babe... I made sure we got a car with a blocking between the front and back and... it's sound proof" she raised her eyebrows "I was thinking I could repay you for last night" Nadine's eyes shot wide open "in here?" she whispered totally forgetting Cheryl had just told  her it was sound proof, "yeah why not?" Cheryl replied.. Nadine just stared at her now with her mouth wide open as well "why not? Cheryl I'm not having sex in a car with a guy in that's literally inches away there's no way" she exclaimed looking at Cheryl like she was absolutely off her head.

From then on Nadine tried to ignore all of Cheryl's advantages but it was hard, REALLY HARD, Cheryl's hand running up and down her thigh, Cheryl's lips kissing and nibbling the soft spot on her neck, Cheryl received some quiet moans off Nadine but as far as Nadine was concerned that was all she was gonna get until they reached Cheryl's house but they were still an hour and a half away and Nadine really wasn't confident that she could hold off that long.  Another half an hour passed and Nadine was impressed she managed to resist Cheryl's advantages this long but by now her whole body was tingling under her touch, that was it her seatbelt was off and she found herself straddling the Geordie, grinding up and down her leg panting for breath as she was finally letting go of all that sexual tension Cheryl had built up inside of her, Cheryl smiled to herself she always knew exactly what to do to get the Irish woman going as she kisses Nadine passionately, Nadine caressing Cheryl's cheek as she let herself go into the kiss.

Cheryl went to insert her hand but Nadine's leather trousers were unbelievably tight, although they made her ass look amazing they were annoying at times like this, Cheryl grunts "why did you have to wear leather you couldn't of worn something that was easy to access could you" Nadine laughs and takes herself away from kissing Cheryl's neck "well I didn't know you would of planned something like this did I" she whispered tapping her finger on Cheryl's nose and lifting herself off slightly as she undone the zip of her trousers pulling them down slightly, still out of breath from the previous kiss that she thought was never gonna end "better" she smiles.. "much" Cheryl gives her a cheeky wink as she pulls the front end of Nadine's thong across slightly giving her more access "looks like someone's excited cause fuck Nadine could you get any wetter?" Nadine slaps Cheryl's arm "shut up.. what do you expect to happen when you're kissing my neck while rubbing your hand up and down my thigh.. you're a damn hard woman to resist" she grabs Cheryl's hand leading it to the right spot "now... make me scream because I mean this is sound proof after all right?" she whispers in Cheryl's ear sending shivers down the other woman's spine, Nadine seemed quiet, polite and well put together to the outside world, I mean she was.. only Cheryl got to see this side of her and she loved that fact.

Cheryl inserted her finger slowly receiving a groan from Nadine as she felt Cheryl enter her, Nadine grabs Cheryl's arm as a sign to give her more.. Cheryl started thrusting her finger in and out receiving appreciation moans from Nadine, "faster" Nadine demanded "what's the magic word?" Cheryl replied, Nadine just shot her a 'this is not the time to act like a 5 year old kid' look so Cheryl thought it would be best to do what she was told, thrusting in and out faster.. Nadine threw her head back groaning at this point she was basically riding Cheryl's finger "fuck.. keep going.. please don't stop" Nadine screamed kind of loudly by this time she didn't care who heard, Cheryl continued to do what her girl wanted her too until she felt Nadine getting tighter around her finger, "Cher— oh fuck Cheryl I'm gonna —" all of a sudden Cheryl pulled her finger out.. "cum" Nadine finished her sentence with a grunt "what the hell do you think you're playing at?" she looks at Cheryl rather annoyed she was right on the edge and Cheryl just left her hanging.. "lay down" Cheryl whispered and Nadine just smirked doing what she was told, Cheryl lifted Nadine's never ending legs and put them over her shoulders as she put herself between them leaning down and running her tongue up and down Nadine's opening until Nadine couldn't handle it any longer and raised her hips in the air as her orgasm rippled through her body shaking slightly as she led back down on the seat tying to catch her breath "you're incredible, literally incredible" Nadine panted as she pulled her trousers back up as they were pulling upto Cheryl's house, "I know" Cheryl shrugged with a smug smile. As the car arrived back at Cheryl's both girls grabbed their stuff jumping out the car and thanking the driver, it's safe to say Nadine got a few confused looks from the driver as she desperately tried to straighten out her hair, Cheryl opened the door "round 2?" she winked pulling Nadine in the house making Nadine roll her eyes and start laughing "we'll see".

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