Chapter 3.

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Chapter 3.

Cheryl woke up as the sun beamed through the curtains, Nadine's arm was still wrapped tightly round her as she turned to look at the clock beside she gasped loudly shooting up in bed shaking Nadine gently "babe.. babe wake up, I'm gonna go back to my own room if I go now I've got an hour before Hilary comes to get us" Cheryl had told Nadine last night that she didn't care if Hilary knew but in reality she wasn't ready for the headache she'd get from the lecture Hilary would give them, Nadine stirs and groans as she nods her head turning round slightly to give Cheryl a quick kiss before turning back round and closing her eyes again she really needed the last hour they had "I'll see you later" Cheryl whispered "hmmm" Nadine mumbled she wasn't really sure what Cheryl was saying she just agreed.

Cheryl grabbed her clothes throwing them on any old how, her room was only 5 doors down no one would see her as she rushed out the door and turned the corner she suddenly came into contact with someone knocking them both back a little "I'm so sor" Cheryl began to say as she looked up "Kimberley.. you're awake early" Kimberley was just stood there confused wondering why Cheryl was coming out of Nadine's room at this time of morning "I know, me and Nicola have been awake for ages so I just went to grab us coffee, although half of it is down me now" she said looking at her top and putting the half empty coffees in the bin there was hardly anything left in the cups they weren't worth keeping, "I'm so sorry" Cheryl exclaimed with a little giggle "anyway what are you doing coming out of Nadine's room at this time" Kimberley continued as she noticed Cheryl's ridiculously messed up bed hair and the fact she was all flushed "OH... ew ew ew" she squealed wanting to get the image out her head "I thought you both said" she looked at her, "I know but I couldn't help it, my body ached for her, you know to be close to her, to smell her, to touch her, to feel how..." Kimberley cut her off by sticking her fingers in her ears "lalalalalalala" she said loudly walking away "I get it, I get it... to much information" Cheryl laughed to herself she loved winding her best friend up, "I'll see you later yeah" Cheryl finished up saying, "yup" Kimberley muttered as she walked closer to her room desperately trying to forget what she just heard.

Nadine groaned as her alarm went off, she could sleep for another day... or week, she stretched out patting the empty space next to her, she was confused for a split second to as where Cheryl was until she remembered their brief conversation earlier. She jumped out of bed and went towards the bathroom to take a shower she had to be down in reception in less than hour with the other girls for their meeting with Hilary, she didn't have a clue what it was gonna be about but she was hoping it wasn't anything too hectic she could do with some time off to spend with Cheryl, she smiled at the thought as she let the warm water run over her body.

Nadine arrived in the reception of the hotel with 5 minutes to spare she had totally lost track of time in the shower, the other 4 girls were already there as Nadine sat next to Cheryl "morning guys" she chirped, "morning" Kimberley, Nicola and Sarah replied, "you're in a good mood this morning" Sarah continued "yeah can't imagine why" Kimberly smirked as Nadine shot her a look, did she know about last night? She shook her head and turned to Cheryl "you look beautiful" she mouthed, "you too" Cheryl mouthed back putting her hand over Nadine's but quickly pulling it away when Hilary walks in the room, Nadine groaned quietly as she felt Cheryl let go of her hand, sometimes she just wished everyone knew about them so they could be free to be affectionate and hold each other's hand in public without having to worry about someone that wasn't the girls catching them.

"Right girls" Hilary sat down to join them, "I've got an exciting opportunity for you all, they want to do a documentary about life in girls aloud" she said, everyone squealed with excitement saying how fun it would be apart from Nadine "absolutely no way I'm not doing that" she said sternly, "why not" Nicola shot back "it'll be a laugh" Nadine scoffed "you're joking right? We don't get any privacy as it is let alone with a camera crew following our every single move" Hilary piped in "well we can't go ahead unless all of you agree so I'll have to say we've declined this time" "no way, can't we do it without Nadine" Sarah said with the other girls all saying "YES" apart from Cheryl, she wanted to do it but upsetting Nadine was also the last thing she wanted to do "I'm sorry girls" Hilary started to walk away and the girls started huffing and puffing, "UGH" Nadine threw her head back.. "Hilary.." Hilary turned around "I'll do it" Nadine said although she still wasn't a fan of the idea all 4 of the other girls really wanted to do it and she didn't want to ruin it for them, "that's great Nadine I'll let them know we're up for it now" Hilary said with a smile as she walked off... "YESSS thankyou Nadine" the other girls squealed as they jumped on her, Nadine rolled her eyes in response she really wasn't looking forward to this.

As the other girls went to go back upstairs to pack to go home Nadine continued to stare at her half drunken coffee in front of her "Nadine you coming?" Cheryl asked in a soft voice, at first Nadine didn't hear her so Cheryl called her again this time with abit more force "NADINE..." Nadine continued to stare at her coffee and only replied with "mhmmm" Cheryl turned to look at the other girls "you go ahead we'll catch you up" they nodded and headed to the lift while Cheryl walked back towards Nadine sitting herself down beside her "what's wrong pretty woman" Nadine turned to look at her "babe, we hardly get any spare time to spend together that's in private as it is and now I've agreed to do this stupid ass documentary that very little time is gonna turn into zero time" Cheryl leant in tucking the loose strands of hair behind Nadine's ear while whispering "baby... we'll always find time" as a smile appeared on Nadine's face Cheryl also smiled "that's what I like to see, that gorgeous smile.. now come on we need to pack" she grabbed the Irish woman's hand as they headed back upstairs.

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