Chapter 5.

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The girls were led in bed, Cheryl on top of Nadine making out for what seemed like the 20th time that day, Cheryl started placing kisses down Nadine's neck "baby.." she mumbled into the kisses.. "mhmm?" Nadine replied looking up at her removing the hair from Cheryl's face, Cheryl took a deep breath "I wanna tell the world about us" she said quietly but loud enough for Nadine to hear which sent Nadine shooting up knocking Cheryl off her, "you what?" she looked at her "babe... I don't think I'm ready" Nadine said shaking her head, Cheryl sat up in bed "what do you mean you don't think you're ready?"  she sits there with a confused look on her face "you said yesterday you wish everyone knew about us so we didn't have to sneak around and now you're what? saying you've changed your mind.." she said getting abit more wound up, "NO" Nadine shouted making Cheryl jump a little "I haven't changed my mind, I still wish everyone knew but that doesn't mean I'm actually going to go ahead and do it tomorrow" she snapped back getting out of bed and wrapping a dressing gown round her as Cheryl scoffed back "oh so now you're saying you're embarrassed of us?" both girls getting annoyed, "you're putting words in my mouth now" Nadine muttered back, Cheryl walks up to Nadine "you are aren't you... you're embarrassed" Nadine span around "no, I'm not embarrassed.. I LOVE YOU" she's kind of screaming at this point, she stood solid to the spot none of them had said the L word before and this really wasn't how Nadine had planned to do it, you can tell Cheryl wasn't expecting it either as she's just stood there, her gob nearly on the floor.

"babe..." Cheryl held out her hand to grab Nadine's but Nadine legged it out the room crying "NADINE" Cheryl shouted after her, running down the stairs to try and keep up with her "baby please.." she said softly this time, Nadine had reached the kitchen before she slid down the wall crying "this isn't how I planned to tell you, the last thing I wanted to happen was to tell you I love you during an argument" she was pulling at her hair slightly with frustration, Cheryl sat on the floor next to her taking her hands "first of all stop doing that, you're gonna end up bald" she laughed a little trying to lighten the mood "second of all.. do you really think I care about how you tell me?" she looks at Nadine as Nadine just shrugs, Cheryl lifts Nadine's chin up so they were both looking into each other's eyes " you know how long I've fancied you? since the first time I saw you in that big audition room during popstars, do you know how long I waited to make a move on you? all the way until the last night of our second tour..." she took in a deep breath cause at this point she swore she had stopped breathing, Nadine just smiled at her words before Cheryl continued " do you know...." there was a slight pause "how much I love you?" Nadine continues looking into Cheryl's eyes "you love me?" she whispered.. "so much" Cheryl whispered back "I love you too" Nadine finished off happy she got to say it again in a much nicer way, before they knew it they found themselves snogging and ripping each other's clothes off on the kitchen floor, as Cheryl led Nadine's naked back down on the tiled kitchen floor she yelped "it's cold" Cheryl just giggled "bedroom?" Nadine nods and they attempt to stumble up the stairs not wanting to stop touching each other in the process, they had only managed to reach the top step when Cheryl sat Nadine down on the it positioning herself on the step below she plunged a finger into Nadine making the other woman throw her back with a squeal, for the rest of the night they found themselves having countless sweet touches and orgasms.

The next morning Nadine was awake way before Cheryl so decided to get up and make her breakfast in bed, before leaving the room she glanced at Cheryl sleeping and smiled.. she always looked so peaceful she placed a gentle kiss on Cheryl's head before heading down to the kitchen, she opened the fridge grabbing eggs,sausages,bacon, basically everything you'd need for a fry up, Nadine already knew Cheryl would have all the ingredients after all there was nothing Cheryl liked more than a good fry up. As the bacon was sizzling away Nadine was singing to herself unaware of Cheryl stood behind her just admiring the view, sometimes Cheryl didn't know how she got so lucky Nadine was gorgeous, had the voice of an angel, was kind and thoughtful and best of all Nadine loved her and no one else, Cheryl didn't rate herself highly but Nadine rated her the highest of them all. She crept behind Nadine wrapping her arms around her waist and kissing her cheek "morning beautiful" Nadine jumped out of her skin "CHERYL" she slapped her arm playfully "I could of burnt myself or even worse I could of burnt you and your beautiful skin oh your beautiful beautiful skin" she messed around placing kisses all over Cheryl's arms and face as Cheryl laughed "alright stop it you weirdo" "OI" Nadine shot her a look "I'm cooking you breakfast here so we'll have less of the weirdo and more of the beautiful's/baby's and angel's" she smirked as she titled her head sideways signalling for Cheryl to kiss her on the cheek, "you're right beautiful, I'm sorry baby" Cheryl giggled as she placed a small kiss on her cheek as Nadine just smiled "good, now go sit down it's nearly ready.. plus I need to talk to you about something" Cheryl just looked at her as she pulled a chair out sitting down "sounds ominous" she looked at Nadine trying but failing to read the look on her face.

Nadine sat at the table putting hers and Cheryl's plate down "thanks" Cheryl smiled she was kinda nervous to hear what Nadine wanted to talk about, "so" she piped up cutting up her sausage but keeping her eyes on Nadine.. "what do you want to talk about?" Nadine placed her hand on top of Cheryl's "let do it" she whispered softly, Cheryl tilt her head to the side "sorry... let's do what?" her eyes widened "Nadine..Coyle" she gasped, now it was Nadine's time to be confused why was she so shocked? "what?" she explained..  Cheryl just sat there shaking her head "we can't have sex on the table while there's food around" she paused "I mean not unless that's what you're into and I'm learning something new here?" Nadine just burst out laughing "no...oh god you really do have a one track mind woman" she rubbed Cheryl's hand slowly "I wasn't talking about sex" "you weren't?" Cheryl shot back feeling a bit embarrassed now.. "No I mean I'm ready" Cheryl was nodding along trying to catch her drift "yeah..for sex?" Cheryl said again making Nadine laugh even more "would you stop thinking about sex" Cheryl bit her lip "I mean it's hard.. when it comes to you but yeah I can try" Nadine moved closer to the Geordie "I mean I'm ready to tell the world about us" Cheryl's eyes lit up "really? I mean you sure? I don't want to pressure you into anything" Nadine cupped her hands round Cheryl's face "I'm sure.. I'm ready I mean we'll have to tell Hillary first but let's do it" she smiled as she rubbed their noses together both their foreheads touching each other's, Cheryl squeezes both of Nadine's hands in hers "Let's do it." she smiled.

Cheradine - You Can't Mistake Our...Chemistry.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin