When a God Bows to the Swords (Pt.2)

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My swords gleamed while I screamed and powerfully slashed them at the malignant beast, with wind and shadow whipping through my long hair. My blades were just about to rain death down upon his nasty flesh and slice his scaley throat open... But then he disappeared without a trace, causing me to unwittingly stab the remains of the mutilated wall with my swords instead.

Oh fuck...

The impact was jarring, causing my left sword to nearly shatter as it embedded within the stony rubble with a loud clang. I felt the force of the blow dance up my bones, stunning me for a mere split second. I was left dangling there in confusion, holding onto my sword to keep from falling. Hsarohpem swiftly reappeared right behind me and took full advantage of my stupified state. His massive jaws fearsomely opened and then crashed down once again. I quickly swung at him with all my might and power, keeping a firm hold on my left sword as I did so. The tip of the blade hissed through his slimy scaly cheek, causing thick black blood to spray from the deep injury.

He dramatically roared up to the sky and then whipped around, slamming the tip of his spiked tail into my dangling form with unfathomable force as if swatting an insect. My left sword ripped from the wall and air was forced out of my lungs. I was helplessly sent flying away from the wreckage of the wall and over the dilapidated kingdom like a fucking bird. My body and blades spun wildly as I uncontrollably soared over the ruins, the catastrophic world becoming a spinning blur to my discombobulated eyes.

Hsarohpem teleported right into my path and aggressively snapped his jaws down around my middle. If it hadn't been for my enchanted hellish armor, I surely would have been chomped right in half. The terrified screeching of the crown deafened my mind, only adding to my state of disadvantage. Hsarohpem snarled while drool dripped all over my body. Then he began wildly thrashing his head from side to side, whipping me around like a mere ragdoll. My hair flailed into my face as I fought against the force of his attack.

"What is he doing!?" The crown continued to scream into my mind, making it difficult to focus on getting the fuck out of the perilous situation.

I shouted while strenuously lifting my flashing blades, stabbing him right in the nostrils with an electric zap. His roar of pain caused him to unwittingly release his hold on me, once again sending me helplessly flying through the air as he whipped his large lizard head up to the bleeding sky. 

Fucking hell, not again... 

My body painfully crashed onto the rocky cliffs beside the castle with a heavy thud, cracking the ashy stone ground with a sharp boom. The waves violently sprayed salted mist up into the air while I helplessly rolled and bounced over to the very edge of the escarpment, gaining several cuts on my cheeks and palms as I did so... "Ow- fuck, shit, fuck!" A few tiny pebbles fell over the edge and plummeted into the raging sea, while some squawking bird hastily flew away. A low predatory purr rumbled in Hsarohpem's chest as he began to sinisterly stalk forward, with his tail ominously swooshing behind him. The tip crashed into a tall spired building, effortlessly causing it to crumble.

"Thou worthless prince! Unworthy vermin! Thou shalt die this hour and return the power thou hast abused for far too long!" Several lloigors screeched and chirped as though in agreement, teleporting to and fro like sickly skeletal shadows to observe to fight. "For it is I who rules over this dark dominion, and mine own darkness shall never bow to the odious light festering within your soul! I am the great cosmic devourer of heavenly luminescence! I am the almighty primeval power who forever taints this world with mine own glory! I am living death! Enlightened darkness! And rapturous despair! I am God of the abyss!... And thou art nothing but a dead man..."

"But my father, if the prince is to die, then I shall perish along with him?" The crown nervously twitched upon my head as I regathered my strength.

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