Romance in the River

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The soft swish of a turning page echoed quietly through the cave, as I sat cross legged on the comfy pillow nest, peacfully reading one of the many old and peculiar books from Valarendrik's bookcases. He was currently out hunting, and likely wouldn't be back for a little while.

Luckily, he had a seemingly random collection of fiction books, and other non-fiction ones, such as materia medica for abyssal plants, spell books, magisterial guidelines for ruling a kingdom, and manuscripts about abyssal folklore. 

Intrigued by an inscription inside of a cover which read, "Valarendrik, enjoy your stupid birthday. -Aldrinan" I'd begun reading an illustrated children's story about a jolly tenverian chef who'd sing macabre songs while cutting out naughty children's tongues, and nailing them to his kitchen wall until they shriveled up into jerky. Then he'd generously give them out to all the good children to joyfully lick. "Tasting Tasty Tongues" it was called.

Disgusted by the awful book, I swiftly closed the black leather bound cover with a soft thump, then put it to the side. The pillows rustled beneath me as I got up to get a drink of water and a piece of fruit from the table. An unexplainable and ravenous craving for chocolate cake had suddenly come upon me. But considering where I was, caedis was going to have to do in order to satisfy my insatiable sweet tooth. 

Chocolate cake is definitely going to be the first thing I eat when I get back home... 

A slight frown snuck it's way onto my face with that thought. The inevitability of returning to earth no longer filled me with joy, but rather weighed on my spirit like a cold burial stone. I knew that I had to eventually go back, and my heart filled with agony knowing that I would never see Valarendrik again once I did. The fact that I didn't belong in his world, and he didn't belong in mine now upset me more than the thought of never feeling the sunshine on my face again. 

Am I a fool for allowing myself to fall for an abyss creature whom I ultimately cannot be with? 

Little pains twinged in my stomach and lower back as I gloomily made my way across the room like a glum bum, and poured some water into an otherworldly looking chalice from a matching pitcher. With a sigh, I sullenly swirled the liquid around as if it were a glass of wine, then dramatically pretended to drink my sorrows away. 

Curse this bland-ass liquid for being non-alcoholic... 

I was mid-gulp, when my eyes abruptly widened in shocked horror. Something warm and wet was slowly trickling down my inner thigh. Panic seeped into my veins, as I hastily placed the chalice back down onto the table, among the many strange knickknacks and bowl of freshly picked caedis fruit. My hands fumbled to lift my dress, and I was met with my worst suspicion. Small crimson droplets were dripping down, leaving a thin trails of blood behind.

No, no, no! For fuck's sake, no! This can't seriously be happening! I can't possibly have my fucking period while trapped in the abyss!

My heart began to wildly beat, and dread settled deep within my bones. I had no supplies and there were lots of harrowing beasts that my blood would attract. Not to mention that telling Valarendrik about it would be downright mortifying for me!

...Shit, why didn't I see this coming!? It's not like I've been able to take my birth control for the past seven weeks or anything! 

I frantically grabbed a black cloth from the table, then swiftly pattered across the cave as I made my way over to the entryway. Very cautiously, I peeked outside with wide searching eyes. Sagacor was happily munching on some reddish ferns along the ghastly forest edge, while the river peacefully flowed on by next to the caedis trees. The coast seemed all clear, but I wanted to be extra sure.

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