The Light of Two Entwined Souls (Pt. 1)

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The gleaming map of abyssal constellations stretched out over the ebon waters like a magical mirage, as Valarendrik and I hastily rode along the dark untrodden beach. Large hooves clangorously clanked upon the stones below, while the seafoam-tipped waves loudly hissed and crept up the shoreline like grasping fingers searching for souls to drag back down into the deep. My golden hair and flowy white dress billowed out into the night, while Valarendrik's huge armored frame held me tightly against his front. My butt was snuggly nestled between his spread thighs, allowing the firm eagerness bulging within his pants to rub up against me. It was the picture-perfect moment of the blushing bride being romantically whisked away by the mysterious dark knight and carried off into the darkness for a night full of fervent, pelvis-pulverizing passion.

With one hand firmly on the reins and the other wrapped tightly around my middle, he leaned forward and began eagerly peppering hot wet kisses up along the side of my neck. The intoxicating feeling of his intentional breath fanned my skin while his soft lips pressed and sucked ravenously. Warmth swirled deeper within my middle with each sensual sensation, spreading across my skin like a blazing wildfire. I reached up and spread my fingers through the silky hair on the back of his head, encouraging him to kiss me all the rougher.

A deep guttural growl vibrated in his chest, then he swiftly gave my left breast a harsh squeeze, his fingers indenting in the soft bouncing flesh as he did so. Then he suddenly rocked his hips forward. It pushed a yelp from my throat and forced my middle to firmly press against the sinister-looking horn of the saddle... Oh my!

"Do you have any idea just how sweet I find the scent of your arousal?" His deep voice rumbled into my ear. My hidden little bud began vigorously rubbing against the horn with each aggressive bounce of Sagacor's back.

With a flushed face and a string of gasps tumbling from my lips, I helplessly stammered like a flustered fool, intense desire beginning to ruthlessly burn between my legs. "Va-Valaren-oh!" He bucked his hips forward yet again, slamming my poor clitoris against the horn once more. Then his hand swiftly slipped up to my throat, giving it a firm yet comfortable squeeze. His claws were fully extended, threatening to puncture my soft pale flesh. I managed to shift my gaze to the side, catching a glimpse of his entirely blackened eyes and fearsome snarl.

Oh snap! He's in full horny-mode!

He languorously licked the side of my neck and up to the shell of my ear. A low dark purr vibrated from his throat and straight into my soul. "So sweet..." His sharp teeth grazed my soft feverish flesh in a way that was both threatening and seductive, like a beast trying to decide where to begin devouring his helpless prey. The saddle continued to roughly rub between my legs, kindling a prurient pyre within my pelvis. I gasped and grasped at Sagacor's satiny mane, causing the silly horse to snort while I teetered on the edge of release. "...And so beautiful you are, my blushing bride."

The heel of his boot tapped Sagacor's side twice, giving him the command to canter at a speed that was just shy of a gallop. I screamed like a fucking banshee out into the evenfall-veiled ocean-scapes. My whole body rapidly bounced and thrashed, causing the horn to stroke my throbbing middle all the more vigorously. My legs tensed up and twitched around the saddle, hardly able to handle the intensity of it. Valarendrik's erection powerfully pressed against my backside, shoving further forward with each jolt as if he was trying to sear me with his straining serpent of seduction.

The rattling of the reins, clanking of the saddle, and smell of the salted wind were all drowned out as a surge of pleasure violently rippled up my spine and caused tingles to dance across my skin. I rigidly shuddered and my head lulled back and off to the side, my mouth hanging open in a dramatic 'O'. With feral passion, Valarendrik took full advantage and swiftly swooped his head down, shoving his long silky tongue deep into my mouth while I helplessly convulsed in his strong armored arms. He wrapped his tongue around mine and ferally growled, provoking a few extra shivers of delight to spread throughout my body.

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